Semester 2 US History Final

  • Stock Market Crash

     Stock Market Crash
    Black Tuesday, also known as the stock market crash, occurred on October 29th, 1929. On this day billions of US dollars were lost, leaving thousands of investors in debt. This happened because everyone was buying everything on credit. With the absurd amounts of credit building up, the crash of the market was inevitable. The aftermath in America was a spiral into the Great Depression.
  • Roosevelt 1st Election

    Roosevelt 1st Election
    In the 1932 Presidential election, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Democrat, ran against Herbert Hoover, a Republican. FDR carried 42 states, consisting of 472 electoral votes and 22,821,277 in the popular vote. His big win resulted from his popular New Deal.
  • Adolf Hitler Appointed Chancellor (Story 1)

    Adolf Hitler Appointed Chancellor (Story 1)
    Adolf Hitler was appointed as chancellor on January 30th, 1933. When he was appointed he formed the Third Reich, also known as the Nazi party. This party became a regime where citizens didn´t have guaranteed basic rights. The Third Reich also led to the Anti-Jewish Boycott because they influenced others to hate Jewish people.
  • Anti-Jewish Boycott (Story 2)

    Anti-Jewish Boycott (Story 2)
    The Third Reich told German people that the Jews were the reason for all their problems. The Jews were damaging Germany´s reputation and made Germans look bad. The Reich said that they should punish them for it. They would punish them by boycotting all Jewish-owned businesses and professions. This was just the beginning of unfair treatment towards Jewish people. One of the next horrible acts was the book burnings.
  • CCC

    CCC, or The Civilian Conservation Corps, was founded by FDR. It was an organization made to help relief during the Great Depression. It took unemployed men and sent them to camps where they were fed and housed while they would work building trails and reforming the environment. It was a huge success until its demise in 1942. I see it as one of the most successful organizations during its time.
  • Book Burning (Story 3)

    Book Burning (Story 3)
    The Third Reich influenced many German people that Jewish people are bad. To maintain the mentality of only German culture books were burned. All un-german books, including all Jewish books, were burnt in Berlin Square. This destroyed so much culture and history. This also led to many more violent actions against Jewish people, one horrible event being Kristallnacht.
  • Social Security Act

     Social Security Act
    The Social Security Act was signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt while it was part of the second new deal. This act was established to provide aid, insurance, or benefits to the working, children, and the elderly. The Social Security Act is still a prominent act in the US government.
  • FDR Court Packing Scandal

     FDR Court Packing Scandal
    FDR wanted to expand the supreme court so there would be up to 15 judges in the court. President Roosevelt was then accused of attempting to pack the courts to try and neutralize the courts. In was believed that he wanted to do this to help his New Deal.
  • HUAC Formed

     HUAC Formed
    HUAC or the House of Un-American Activities Committee was an investigative committee. This committee was formed during the Cold War when fear of communism was intensely heightened. HUACs goal was to expose those assumed of being communist. They would bring in people they were suspicous of and force them to explain themselves.
  • Nonaggression Pact (Story 5)

    Nonaggression Pact (Story 5)
    Joseph Stalin made a power move and signed a nonaggression pact with Germany. This pact meant that Germany and The Soviet Union wouldn´t engage in any militant actions against each other. This was a power play on Stalin´s part because it meant he would avoid war with Nazi controlled Germany. This agreement then led to Hitler´s Demand for Poland because The Soviet Union was on Germany´s side.
  • Demand of Sudetenland (Story 6)

    Demand of Sudetenland (Story 6)
    Hitler demanded an immediate cession of Sudetenland into Germany. Because of this Czechoslovakia called for troop mobilization. It seemed like war was inevitable at this point. But, Britain and France wanted to avoid fighting. So, to avoid a war they went to Munich to sign the Munich agreement.
  • Munich Agreement (Story 7)

    Munich Agreement (Story 7)
    The Munich Agreement was an agreement between Germany, Britain, France, and Italy. The agreement stated that Germany could have Sudetenland if they promised to stop there. They could not invade Poland.
  • Kristallnacht (story 4)

    Kristallnacht (story 4)
    Kristallnacht or the night of broken glass was a program that lasted 2 days against Jewish people. Germans went through and destroyed Jewish temples and companies. 1,000 Jewish synagogues and 7,500 Jewish businesses were ruined. And over 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and taken to concentration camps. Scary events, like Kristallnacht, led to Stalin signing the nonaggression pact with Hitler. Stalin didn´t necessarily like Hitler or his ideas, but he wanted to avoid war with Germany.
  • Germany Breaks Munich Pact (Story 8)

    Germany Breaks Munich Pact (Story 8)
    The Munich pact was an agreement that gave Sudetenland to Nazi-controlled Germany, in turn, so Germany wouldn´t invade the rest of Czechoslovakia. This didn´t last long because Hitler still went and conquered the rest of Czechoslovakia, which led to France and Britain declaring war on Germany.
  • Britain´s Response (Story 9)

    Britain´s Response (Story 9)
    Germany broke the Munich pact by invading Poland. This resulted in Britain and France officially declaring war on Germany. Except for Britain and France did nothing to stop Germany from invading Poland. Germany and the Soviet Union kept on pushing and Poland fell quickly. This resulted in the long WWII.
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    WWII (Story 10)

    WWII was the second world war to take place. It was fought between the Allies and the Axis Powers. The Allies consisted of Britain, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, the Soviet Union, China and towards the end of the United States of America. And the Axis Powers was made up of Germany, Italy, and Japan.
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    Battle of Britain

    The Royal Air Forces combated with Germany´s air force over the UK. For 3 months the battle in the skies went on. When Germany´s Luftwaffe couldn´t gain air superiority the Battles ended. This was big because it saved Britain from a ground invasion by Germany.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    The Japanese Navy Air Service attacked Pearl Harbor, a US Naval base in Hawaii. This was a surprise attack and it resulted in the death of more than 2,400 Americans. It also heavily damaged naval vessels, airplanes, and battleships.
  • Operation Overlord/D-Day

     Operation Overlord/D-Day
    Operation Overlord was when American, British and Canadian forces landed on the beaches of Normandy, France. At the end of August in 1944 a majority of Northern France was liberated. D-Day is considered the day, or battle, when the end of the war started.
  • FDR Dies/Truman President

     FDR Dies/Truman President
    On April 12th, 1945 President FDR passed away because of a cerebral hemorrhage, or a stroke. On this same day Vice President, Mr. Truman is sworn in as the new president. This put Truman in a tough situation because he was put in charge of a country still combating in WWII.
  • Nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima/Nagasaki

    Nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima/Nagasaki
    During WWII, the very first deployed nuclear bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. It destroyed the city right away killing around 80,000 people immediately. Three days later on August 9th, another bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. This nuclear bomb killing around 40,000 people. After these two deployed bombs Japan’s Emperor Hirohito declared surrender in WWII.
  • Vietnam day

     Vietnam day
    On September 2nd, 1945 Vietnam became an independent country. President Ho Chi Minh read the decleration of Independece and declared Vietnam free from France and Japan. Like other countries, Vietnam celebrates their national day with their flag, banners, and other festivities.
  • United Nations created

     United Nations created
    The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization to try and maintain order and international cooperation. This organization was founded after WWII to aim to prevent wars like this in the future. The UN was a replacement for the failed League of Nations. When the UN document was signed there were 51 member states and now there are 193.
  • Truman Doctrine

     Truman Doctrine
    President Harry S. Truman announced his doctrine idea to Congress in March of 1947. His doctrine was to counter the Soviet Unions expansion during the cold war. The Truman Doctrine was put into play because Truman pledged to contain threats to Greece and Turkey
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    Berlin Airlift

    At the end of WWII the U.S., British, French, and Soviet military forces divided Germany up and split it amongst themselves. Berlin, the capital of Germany, was divided into 4 sections, but the Soviets wanted Berlin to themselves. So they close all the canals, highways, and railroads into West Berlin, in attempts to move the French, British, and Americans out. But, that didn´t change anything. America just started flying supplies and food into West Berlin, and this was the Berlin Airlift.
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    Rosenberg Trials

    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were arrested and brought to court in 1950 right after the Korean war started. The couple was arrested for conspiracy to commit espionage. They were assumed to be passing the US atomic secrets to the Soviet Union during WWII. The Rosenbergs were found guilty and were executed in 1953.
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    Korean War (beginning and end)

    The Korean War, also known as the forgotten war, was fought between North and South Korea. The 38th parallel separated North and South and the war began when North Vietnam crossed the parallel to invade South Vietnam. The US supported South Vietnam in attempts of containment, containing communism. The war was gruesome and almost nothing was achieved. The war never really ended either, the two areas only called for a cease fire.
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    Brown v Board of Education

    The Supreme courts declared that schools separated by black and white students were unconstitutional. This case was a landmark winning with a unanimous vote.
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    Vietnam war

    The Vietnam war was fought between North and South Vietnam. America was helping South Vietnam because North Vietnam was fighting for the expansion of Communism. It was a gruesome war fought in the jungle, filled with guerilla warfare. America also used napalm to destroy cities and the jungle so they could find the enemy. But, while doing this, the injured and killed many citizens. After the Tet Offensive, and the unpopularity of the war rising, Nixion pulled troops from Vietnam.

    Through the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover started using COINTELPRO, formed back in 1956, against the Black Panther Party. This was a counterintelligence program that would often start illegal ¨projects¨ to get the information they needed. This FBI program led to many cruel acts against Black Panther members, including the assassination of Fred Hampton.
  • Sputnik

    The Soviet Union launched Sputnik October 4, 1957, 7:28 PM. This artificial earth satellite was the first ever to be successfully launched. The launch of Sputnik sparked something in America, resulting in the US improving education and forming NASA.
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    Greensboro lunch Sit-ins

    In Greensboro, North Carolina, a couple African American boys sat at a segregated counter at Woolworths. The boys refused to leave when they were not served. This sparked a series of nonviolent protests all over. People went and sat at segregated counters and refused to leave. This made Woolworths and many other establishments change tehir segregation laws.
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    Freedom Rides

    Freedom rides were launched by the Congress of Racial Equality, or CORE. Freedom riders were civil right activists that took bus trips through the South. These freedom rides were in nonviolent protest against segregated bus terminals. This resulted in the supreme court case Morgan v. Virginia and the case ruled that segregated bus seating was unconstitutional.
  • Berlin Wall

     Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was a concrete border surrounding all of West Berlin. Communist Soviet Union decided to put the wall up in order to keep East Berlin Germans from fleeing to West Berlin. No matter if you lived in East Berlin and your entire family was over in West Berlin you weren´t permitted see them. The wall was not destroyed until November 8th, 1989, which means families were separated for over 28 years.
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    Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Cuban Missile Crisis took place during the Cold War when tensions were incredibly high between the US and Soviet Union. In Cuba, there were Soviet Union Nuclear weapons only 90 miles away from the shores of Florida. Much fear rose in Americans, scared that we would break out into a nuclear war, or mutual destruction. But, it was avoided when the Soviet Union made an agreement with the US stating that they would remove their missiles if the US didn´t invade Cuba.
  • March on Washington “I have a Dream”

    March on Washington “I have a Dream”
    The March on Washington took place by the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. The civil rights leaders were there in protest of racial segregation. This event drew in more than 250,000 people. And with this giant crowd, the main component was Martin Luther King Juniors famous “I have a Dream” speech. This was a landmark event in the civil rights movement. And the “I have a Dream” speech seemed to become the phrase of a majority of all civil rights activists.
  • Assassination of JFK

     Assassination of JFK
    The 35th president of the United States, John F. Kennedy, was assassinated in Dallas, Texas while taking part in the presidential motorcade in Dealey Plaza. Lee Harvey Oswald was the perpetrator, shooting JFK with an Italian Carcano M91.
  • Freedom Summer

    Freedom Summer
    Robert Moses suggested the idea of Freedom Summer to SNCC and COFO, and he was given permission to lead the project in June. This was a volunteer program that wanted to get as many African Americans living in Mississippi registered to vote. It was important because it was the start of the enaction of the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

     Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was a solution to the Gulf of Tonkin incident (which was later to be proven false.) The resolution was made by the US Congress in 1964. It gave President Johnson unlimited access to the military in attempts to do everything to contain communism in Southeast Asia, without starting a war. The US Senate didn´t repeal the resolution until 1970.
  • Assassination of Malcolm X

    Assassination of Malcolm X
    Malcolm X was in Washington Heights, New York City getting ready to give about the Organization of Afro-American Unity, his new organization. He was shot by the rival Black Muslims while speaking about his new organization.
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    Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder was an aerial of heavy artillery fire on North Vietnam. The US military and South Vietnamese army joined air forces to hold a 3-year bombardment on North Vietnam. This was all in attempts to get North Vietnam to surrender during the Vietnam war.
  • Black Panthers Formed

    Black Panthers Formed
    Bobby Seale and Huey Newton founded the BPP, the Black Panthers Party. This party was a political organization that fought against police brutality towards the African American community. The members would wear black leather jackets and black berets. At the height of its reign around 2,000 members had joined. This lead to many events including directing traffic in Oakland to protect people and make the streets safer.
  • Directing Traffic in Oakland to make safer streets (Story 2)

    Directing Traffic in Oakland to make safer streets (Story 2)
    There was a street right outside a black public school where a large number of accidents and fatalities. They tried to get a street light installed but it couldn´t be put in for a year, so, the Black Panther Group came up with a solution. They helped escorted students across the street to school. It was successful because the street light was installed earlier than they said it would. This lead to other kind acts by the Black Panther party like the Free Breakfast for Children program.
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    The Tet-offensive was the first time North Vietnam attacked South Vietnam, everything else they had done was out of defense. This weakened the US and South Vietnamese military forces. It was also the start to the US military pulling out of the war.
  • Assassination of MLK

     Assassination of MLK
    Martin Luther King Junior was shot at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. James Earl Ray was the man that pulled the trigger. At St. Joseph's Hospital, MLK was declared dead at 7:05 p.m
  • Free breakfast for Children

    Free breakfast for Children
    this was a program that gave free breakfast for students. The purpose was to fuel the revolution by encouraging black people´s survival. This was one of the most effective programs they had. It fed over 10,000 children everyday before they went to school. This was one of the reasons J. Edgar Hoover started to investigate the Black Panther party because he stated that the free breakfast for children was the "greatest threat to the internal security of the country".
  • Woodstock

    Woodstock was a 3-day long music festival and art fair that took place in New York. The attraction brought in an audience of over 400,000 people. The music festival was all about peace during the Vietnam war, trying to bring people together.
  • Assassination of Fred Hampton

    Assassination of Fred Hampton
    The FBI found out where the Panthers apartment was and when Fred Hampton would be there. They gave this information to the Chicago police, and the officers then raided the apartment and shot and killed Fred Hampton. Mark Clark was also killed, Hampton's wife was shot but survived and 4 other Panthers were wounded.
  • Los Angeles Police Raid

    Los Angeles Police Raid
    After the death of Fred Hampton, the Los Angeles police department launches a full- scale attack on Southern California Panthers in a predawn raid. At two separate locations, 400 officers arrest Party members and children. During one shoot-out, Roland Freeman's body is riddled with bullets, but he survives. This resulted in the protection of Panther member lives.
  • Kent State Shootings

    Kent State Shootings
    The Kent State shootings was a public protest demonstration at Kent State University. The protest occurred after Nixon Announced U.S. entry into Cambodia. The protest ended in violence and resulted with the death of 4 students.