Scottsboro Boys and Its change to history

  • Trainride and Accisations

    Trainride and Accisations
    Nine African American males were accused by Victoria Price and Ruby Bates of rape while onboard a train.
  • Death Sentence Delayed

    Death Sentence Delayed
    After many organizations such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the International Labor Defense (I.L.D.) breathing heavily down the Alabama court system's back, the Scottsboro Boys have their death sentence put back.
  • The Letter

    The Letter
    Ruby Bates denies being raped in a letter written to her boyfriend.
  • Alabama will hear out the case

    Alabama will hear out the case
    Alabama agrees to hear out the case in court.
  • Samuel as Lawyer

    Samuel as Lawyer
    The I.L.D convinces Samuel Leibowitz to take the case
  • Haywoods 2nd Trial

    Haywoods 2nd Trial
    Haywood Patterson goes on trial for a second time infront of Alabama Judge James Horton.
  • Suprise! Its Ruby

    Suprise! Its Ruby
    Ruby Bates appears as a suprise witness for the defence and claims she and Victoria had lied to save themselves.
  • Death

    Haywood Patterson is sentenced to death on the electric chair
  • New Trial

    New Trial
    Judge Horton decides to grant the appeal for a new trial.
  • Transfer

    For the third trial, it takes place in Judge William Callahan's court rather than Judge James Horton.
  • Bye-Bye

    James Horton is not re-elected for his position
  • Blacks left out

    Blacks left out
    Leibowitz discovers that no black person had been selected for the jury.
  • Norris vs. Alabama

    Norris vs. Alabama
    The supreme court finds the absence of blacks on the jury to go against the 14th amendment.
  • guilty

    Haywood Patterson is found guilty and sentenced to 75 years.
  • Ozie

    Ozie Powell pulls a knife and slashes a deputies throat and is then shot in the head.