Scientific Revoulotion

  • 100


    In the A.D. 100s a theory was created that the Earth was the center of the universe and that all thee other planets moved around Earth. This theory was created by the astronomer Ptomely and many people believed this theory for many years to come
  • Sep 20, 1200

    Roger Bacon

    Roger Bacon
    Roger Bacon was one of the earliest to use the scientific experimentation, Opposed to religious beliefs. He studied at Oxford and Paris and then moved on the become a well known teacher better known as Doctor Mirabilis.
  • Mar 15, 1490


    The understanding of the world by using Magic. The tools used where very similar to what the scientist used later. One example of Alchemy is turning lead into gold.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    New Study of Nature

    New Study of Nature
    After the renaissance, more scientists started to question the ancient beliefs.The use new tools such as scientific instruments, mathematics, and experiments.This marked the turning point that is known as the scientific revolution.
  • Period: Sep 21, 1500 to

    Other Scientific Discoveries

    Many more scientific discovers where made during the 1500s and the 1600s. German Gottfried Liebnitz and great English thinker Issac newton developed a new branch of mathematics called calculus. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek a dutch scientist who discovered bacteria invented in the late 1500s. An English-Irish scientist, Robert Boyle, advanced the modern science of chemistry by showing that temperature and pressure affects space gas occupies in 1622.
  • Jan 15, 1506


    Scientist that are in anatomyt study the human body by exmaining dead bodies. This was used during the 1500s on by some of the strongest thinkers of the time
  • May 12, 1543

    Nicolaus Copernicus

    Nicolaus Copernicus
    During the 1500s a polish scientist Nicolaus Copernicus dropped the theory that earth was the center of the universe. Then he made is theory the heliocentric, where he stats that the sun is the center of the universe. Today he is viewed as the founder of modern astronomy.
  • Sep 21, 1543

    Andreas Vesalius and William Harvey

    Andreas Vesalius and William Harvey
    One of the first people to study the human body was the great Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci. The a Dutch scientist took Leonardo work and pioneered the study of anatomy and started doing his own studies about the human body. English Physician William Harvy studied the circulation of blood. He studied about how blood moved through veins and arteries and about the heart.
  • Effect of New Science

    Effect of New Science
    Europe was rattled by the effect of new discoveries. The Counter-Reformation was made to help restore religious faith during the Scientific Revolution because so many people where gaining new knowledge and started questioning religious belief. schools started becoming devoted to science and other countries such as Rome, England, and France started devoting to science.
  • Johannes Kelper and Galileo Galilei

    Johannes Kelper and Galileo Galilei
    Even though Nicolaus Copernicus was right about his theory that the sun was the center of the universe, he didn't have any evidence to support his claim. the evidence came later when a German astronomer, Johannes Kelper, and Italian scientist, Galileo Galilei, each went to work to prove Copernicus theory was right. This also lead to the invention of the telescope by Galileo which he used to study the stars.
  • Astronomy

    The great Italian scientist Galileo Galilei was consider the founding father of astronomy. Astronomy is the study of stars,planets and other bodies in the sky. One instrument that Galileo invented to study astronomy was the telescope which is very similar to the telescopes we use today.
  • Francis Bacon

    Francis Bacon
    Francis Bacon, an English philosopher and scientist lived in the early to mid 1600s believed that scientific theory could only be developed through observation.this means no assumptions could be trusted without solid evidence. In 1620 he published his book Novum Organum, a book that outlined the new system of knowledge.
  • Rene Descates

    Rene Descates
    French Philosopher named Rene Descartes was a leader of the scientific revolution. He was a also a great mathematician and his ideas led to great advances in science,philosophy, and mathematics. His theory was that all fields of of science are connected and should be studied together. Much of his work was against church teachings and he received a good amount of hate from that.
  • Sir Issac Newton

    Sir Issac Newton
    In 1687 the English scientist, Issac Newton, published adding more to what the past scientist have said about the heliocentric theory that the sun is the center of the universe. To add more Newton went through many experiments and measurements adding laws and realizing the force that holds planets in orbit. This work had a huge impact on science, it changed most peoples view points on the world.
  • Joseph Priestly and Antoine Lavoisier

    Joseph Priestly and Antoine Lavoisier
    An English chemist Joseph Priestly and a French scientist Antoine Lavoisier showed that fire resulted when a substance rabidly combined with oxygen. Before that people that fire was an element. When they made their discoveries in the late 1700s science was spreading throughout Europe and human knowledge was increasing rapidly and where important characteristics of the Scientific Revolution.