Scientific Revolution- Amalija

  • Feb 19, 1437

    Nicolaus Copernicus

    Nicolaus Copernicus
    • Was a father of the Scientific Revolution. -He was the first astronomer to formulate a scientifically based heliocentric cosmology that displaced the Earth from the center of the universe. -One of the first to combine mathematics and science. -This pro-reason, anti-faith act would soon help inspire countless other individuals to have similar intellectual independence
  • Dec 14, 1546

    Tycho Brahe

    Tycho Brahe
    -De nova stella (On the new star) of 1573, he refuted the Aristotelian belief in an unchanging celestial realm
    -Measurements indicated that "new stars" in 1572 lacked the parallax expected in sub-lunar phenomena, and were therefore not "atmospheric" tail-less comets
    -Showed that comets were also not atmospheric phenomena
    -most accurate astronomical observations of his time, and the data was used by his assistant, Johannes Kepler, to derive the laws of planetary motion
    -Died 24 October 1601
  • Jan 22, 1561

    Francis Bacon

    Francis Bacon
    -Philosophical advocate and practitioner of the scientific method during the scientific revolution
    -Creator of empiricism; works established and popularised inductive methodologies for scientific inquiry
    -considered to be the philosophical influence behind the dawning of the Industrial age
    -Died 9 April 1626 of pneumonia
  • Feb 15, 1564

    Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    -Galileo Galilei born 15 Feburary 1564
    -Constructed military compass 1597
    -Built a telescope, able to see craters on moon, discover Jupiter's moons, study Venus's phases
    -1610 published Sidereus Nuncius; went against church with idea of heliocentric (sun-centered) universe
    -Published Assyer in 1623, pleased pope UrbanVIII after sitings of coments in 1618
    -Climax of publishing in 1632 , ignored Church warning, put under house arrest for rest of his life until 1642
  • Dec 27, 1571

    Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler
    • Wrote first influential defense of Copernican system, Mysterium Cosmographicum
    • Inherited post as Imperial Mathmatician to Hapsburg Emporor in 1601
    • Discovered that orbit of Mars was ellipse; first step towards him formulation of planetary motion laws
    • In 1606 published De Stella Nova on supernova
    • Built his own telescope in 1610, late published a confirmation of Galileo's observations of Jupiter's moons
    • 1627 completed Rudolphine Tables -Died in 1630
  • Apr 1, 1578

    William Harvey

    William Harvey
    -English physician who was the first person to describe completely and in detail the systemic circulation and properties of blood being pumped to the body by the heart
    -He was also the first to study biology quantitatively.
    -Harvey’s findings are the foundation for all modern research on the heart and blood vessels
    - Died in 1657
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    • 'Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica' in published in 1687, included his Laws of Motion -In 1665, Isaac Newton invented the generalized binomial theorem
    • Worked in feilds of optics in 1670's. Led to discovery that a prism can decompose white light into a spectrum of colors.
    • "Newtons Theory of Color"
    • Died March 31st 1727