Scientific Revolution

  • Period: Aug 25, 1451 to

    Scientific Revolution

  • Aug 9, 1514

    Nicholas Copernicus Heliocentriz Theory

    Nicolaus Copernicus was a polish astronomer. He is know for his theory that the sun was in the center of the universe and not the earth.
  • Kepler publishes Astronomia Nova

    Kepler studied all systems of the universe previously known and oppsed the Heliocentric theory. This is what made this book famous.
  • Kepler presents his Third Law

    The third law showed the average distance the planets had from the sun.
  • Francis Bacon publishes Novum Organum

    This book presents a new way of logic that opposed Aristotles.
  • Descartes' essay Discourse on the Method & Gemoetry

    Descartes autobiography formal exposition was published. It is famous for the quote "I think, therefore I am".
  • René Descartes' Treatise on Man

    This book is published and argues that human anatomy and physcology can be understood by physical means.
  • Isaac Newtons Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy

    This was a series of 3 books that showed Newtons gravity principle.
  • Newtons Death

    Newton dies in Kensington.