Science Learning Sequence

  • Lesson 1

    I spy - play I spy to engage student interest. Brainstorm about features of the outdoors, and what changes over time. Prompt with questions.
  • Lesson 2

    Drawing a picture of the school oval. This will be revisited to observe changes.
  • Lesson 3

    Collecting natural and manmade items from outside. Discussing meaning of "manmade" and "natural". Sorting items into manmade and natural.
  • Lesson 4

    Creating a garden to observe for an experiment. Using signs to distinguish between manmade and natural features. Making predictions about what might change over time.
  • Lesson 5

    Discussing seasons and seasonal traits. Watching a timelapse of seasons - drawing changes and observing how the seasons change.
  • Lesson 6

    Making posters to show the features of the seasons. Including months, changes in nature, and clothing.