
Saul Hudson

  • The Birth Of Saul Hudson

    The Birth Of Saul Hudson
    Saul Hudson was born on the 23rd Of July in 1965 to his mother Ola Hudson (who was born Oliver Hudson).
    As a child he lived with out a mother figure so he relied on his up bringing which was in his father's hands. As a child Saul or "Slash" had a very odd relationship with his father he disliked the way he treated him and hated the way he spoke to him.
  • Period: to

    Slash and GNR

    Sau Hudson and Guns N Roses Journey
  • Slash First Band Tidus Sloan

    Slash First Band Tidus Sloan
    In 1981 slash joined the band Tidus Sloan with a couple of friends. His lead role was the lead electric guitarist.
  • Road Crew

    Road Crew
    Slash Makes his own band the "Road Crew" still his lead role wad to be the lead guitarist and was the leader of the band.
  • Recording Hits

    Recording Hits
    Saul Husdson recorded his first Gun N Roses hits on 1985 through to 1986 these hits when on to make Guns N Roses one of the best rock and roll bands of the 80's these hits were:
    Welcome to the Jungle
    Sweet Child Of MIne
    Paradise City
  • Guns N Roses The Begining

    Guns N Roses The Begining
    Saul Huson gets his stage name Slash when he joined Guns N Roses. Slash was spoted by the lead singer of Guns N Roses and was asked to be the lead guitarist and promised him that the band would be successful in the future.
  • Is This The End Of Slash?

    Is This The End Of Slash?
    In October on 1996 after 3 years of inactivity Slash announced that he wanted nothing to do with the Guns And Roses band after seeing they way Axl Rose treated his fans on the "Your Illusion" Tour and decided ive had enough.
  • 2000-Present

    Slash went on to continue with famous bands such as:
    Velvet Revolver
    And made his own band Slash's Snakepit
    He then retired in 2008 and now does session work with the younger youth.