Sandra day oconnor

Sandra Day O'Connor

  • Born

  • Graduated from Standford Law School

    Graduated from Standford Law School
  • Served as deputy county attorney of San Mateo County, California

    Served as deputy county attorney of San Mateo County, California
  • Married John Jay O'Connor III

    Married John Jay O'Connor III
  • Served as civilian attorney for Quartermaster Market Center, Frankfurt, Germany

    Served as civilian attorney for Quartermaster Market Center, Frankfurt, Germany
  • Practiced law in Maryvale, Arizona

    Practiced law in Maryvale, Arizona
  • Worked as assistant attorney general in Arizona

    Worked as assistant attorney general in Arizona
  • Elected to 2 two-year terms in Arizona State Senate

    Elected to 2 two-year terms in Arizona State Senate
  • Judge of the Maricopa County Superior Court

    Judge of the Maricopa County Superior Court
  • Selected to serve on the Arizona Court of Appeals

    Selected to serve on the Arizona Court of Appeals
  • Reagan nominated Sandra as a justice of the U.S. Supreme Court

    Reagan nominated Sandra as a justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
    Sh received unanimous approval from Senate.
  • Sworn into the Supreme Court

    Sworn into the Supreme Court
    Associate Justice, court seat #9
    First woman to serve as a justice for the Supreme Court; broke new ground for women in the legal field
  • Penry v. Lynaugh

    O'Connor wrote the majority opinion ruling that a mentally retarded murderer with the reasoning capacity of a 7-year-old could be executed. This was not a violation of the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition of “cruel and unusual punishments” because, she said, “there is insufficient evidence of a national consensus against executing mentally retarded people convicted of capital offenses.”
  • Plannes Parenthood v. Casey

    She wrote the Court's decision on Planned Parenthood v. Casey on June 29, 1992 that upheld Roe v. Wade.
  • Bush v. Gore

    O'Connor voted to stop the recount in Florida during the 2000 elections
  • Atkins v. Virginia

    Changed her opinion from the Penry v. Lynaugh case and ruled that “death is not a suitable punishment for a mentally retarded criminal.”
  • Retired

    Served for 24 years in the Supreme Court.
  • Given the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Barack Obama

    Given the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Barack Obama