samuel mendoza chapter 9 time line

  • we bought alaska

    we bought alaska
    William Seward bought alaska from rusia. He bought it for $7.2 million dollars
  • liluekalani became leader

    liluekalani became leader
    Queen liluekalani became leader of Hawii after her brother died.
  • U.S.S Maine was destroyed

    U.S.S Maine was destroyed
    U,S.S Maine was sent by Mckinly to potrol cuban waters when it was destroyed.
  • the open door polocy.

    John Hay asked nations about the open the open door polocy.
  • Theodore Rosevelt became president

    Theodore Rosevelt became president
    Theodore Rosevelt became president after Mckinly was assassanated
  • Panama was created

    Panama was createdto help the U.S. government.
  • Roosevelt visited Panama

    Roosevelt visited Panama
    Roosevelt visited viseted Panama and wrote a letter
  • They built canal

    Thect canal they built cost $352 million dollars.
  • Luis Munioz died

    Luis Munioz died
    Luis Munioz Rivera died.
  • Quenn Liliuokalani died

    Quenn Liliuokalani died at washington place.