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Samsung's Electronics

  • Company's Electronic Foundation

    Company's Electronic Foundation
    Founded in Daegu, Korea. Samsung means 3 Stars in Korean. The company was not originally a electronic company.
  • Period: to

    Samsung Electronics

  • TV's

    The company ships its first TV (black and white) out of South Korea
  • Computers

    The company begins to make pesonal computers for consumers.
  • Samsung fist phone

    Samsung fist phone
    Samsung releases its first mobile phone in 1988 only in South Korea. The phone didnt sell much and had bad service.
  • 64M Dram

    64M Dram
    The company makes the first 64M Dram
  • Point of Growth

    The company released the SH-700 was smaller and had a better design then other phones at time.
  • Sales

    Export sales reach 10 Billion dollars.
  • Recesion

    Asian countries have recessions going on and all companies sales are down.
  • 2000 Achivements

    2000 Achivements
    -They have made thier fist high defenition Digital TV.
    -Samsung Electronics and Yahoo have made a alliance together.
    -Created the world's first 512Mb Dram.
    -Unviels the worlds fastest Graphics Memory Chip
    -PDA phones (Peersonal Digital Assistant) a light electronic that looks like a phone but all they did was hold information. They could hold calendar dates and reminded people of important events. Teachers would use it for things like grades.
  • 2001 Achivements

    2001 Achivements
    -Creates the worlds first 40 inch screen TV.
    - Begins making and supplying consumers with more 512Mb flash memory.
    - Makes companys first slim handeld device.
  • 2002 Achivements

    2002 Achivements
    • Makes the worlds slimmest TV in the world.
    • Makes the worlds largest TV monitor 54 inches.
  • Selling Phones in U.S.

    Selling Phones in U.S.
    They had compact phones with Sprint.
  • 2004 Achivements

    2004 Achivements
    -Sold more than 20 cellular phones just in the U.S.
    -Developed a satelite chip for mobile phones,
    - Developed worlds first 60-nano 8GB NAND flash memory device.
  • Speech Recgonition Phone

    Makes the first speech recgontion phone.
  • Samsung Galaxy S lll

    Samsung Galaxy S lll
  • Sales Increase

    Sales increase for the Dram chip.