Samantha's Final Timeline

  • The New Nation

    The New Nation
    Federalist/Democratic Republicans:
    In the early years of America there was a debate over how to interpret the constitution, because of the difference in views two political parties arose, known as, the federalist and democratic republicans. Federalist believed in a loose interpretation and DR's believed in it to be strict. This caused debates over the organization of the government, but ultimatley shaped the U.S.
  • The New Nation

    The New Nation
    George Washington:
    George Washington in this time was the first president of the U.S. He made a lasting impact by stepping down after two terms, creating a cabinet. Washington also had strong political views, when it came to the U.S. staying neutral, which he spoke about in his farwell adress.
  • American Frontier

    American Frontier
    Expansion was important at this time for AMerica to grow. it led to the U.S. gaining more territoy, such as Texas, Oregon adn Mexican Cession. There was also expansion in agriculture and industry, such as the refrigerator car and steel blade windmills, because of all the innocations america progressed.
  • Gilded Age

    Gilded Age
    Unions were being formed by the American people to mainly protect their working rights. Unionization led to strikes by the workers. Some strikes were sucessful and some not so much, but the ones that did help gave the workers high wages and better hours.
  • The New Nation

    The New Nation
    Marbury v. Madison:
    The supreme court case challenged the supreme court to establish clear lines between executive and judical branches. This case established judical review which is the right for a judge to decided if it constitutional or unconstitutional.
  • The American Civil War & Reconstruction

    The American Civil War & Reconstruction
    Missouri Compromise 1820:
    The Missouri Compromise fo 1820 was set into place to make pro slavery and anti slavery fair. The 36' 30' parallel came out of this compromise. it made an equal amount of free and slave states in America.
  • The Age of Imperalism

    The Age of Imperalism
    Monroe Doctorine:
    THe Monroe Doctorine orginally was created to state that the U.S> was not allowed to colonize or get involved witht he western hemisphere. Later on the doctorine was expanded under the Roosevelt Corollary. It still remained the same in that Americans could not colonize, but did change the involvment of the U.S. in the western hemisphere, by allowing the U.S. to be part of any problems there.
  • Expansion & Reform

    Expansion & Reform
    Trail of Tears:
    Andrew jackson the president at this time pushed for expansionism, which led to a fight with the Native Americans. he wanted to puch them out of their home lands and into Ohio by having them travel on the Trail of Tears. The trail of tears was significant because it showed America was willing to hurt another group of people in order to grow it self.
  • Expansion & Reform

    Expansion & Reform
    Temperanc e:
    This movement directly effected weather alchol was to be legal or not. Many women felt it should be illegal because it caused problems in society. The temperance movement created the 18th admendment, which banned alcohol, but this admendment was over turned a few years later and left the teperance movement to be a time the women progressed.
  • Expansion & Reform

    Expansion & Reform
    Mexican Cession:
    The Mexican Cession was the last territory gained to make up the Untied States. The boundary lines led to a disput between Mexicans and Americans, which resulted in a war. After American won the war it gained the territory, but had concerns with slavery once again.
  • The American Civil War & Reconstruction

    The American Civil War & Reconstruction
    Dred Scott v. Sandford:
    A slave named Dred Scott was taken to a free state by his owner. He sued for freedsom, but the supreme court ruled he was property not a person. This supereme court case nullified the Missouri Compromise of 1820
  • The American Civil War & Reconstruction

    The American Civil War & Reconstruction
    Election of !860:
    Abraham Lincoln ran for president in this election. He was liked by the North and hated by the South, becuase he wanted to abolish slavery, whihc was the South's main source of money. When lincoln won the SOuth seceded and became the confederate state.
  • Amrican Frontier

    Amrican Frontier
    Indian Wars:
    The sand creek massacre, battle of little big horn, and the Wounded Knee massacre were three wars between americans and indiancs. Americans wanted indiance to be back living on thte reservation, but the N.Americans did not becuase of this wars broke out and many innocent lives were taken. After the three battles it became evident that the American people were worried becuase it meant there were no restrictions on mans inhumanity to another man and america was weakened.
  • Gilded Age

    Gilded Age
    During the Gilded age two tuped of immigrants came to the U.S., the old immigrants, which came before 1870, and the new immigrants which came from 1870-1900. Teh came for economics and freedom in religion. Their coming brought the idea of nativism to the American people which means they felt more important and it led to laws, such as the Chinese Exculsion Act.
  • Progressivism

    Women during the progressive era made huge changes that benefitted them as a whole. They moved west, created organizaions, some went to school, and some got more involved in political roles. This time period was the start to women advancing and being seen as more independent in America.
  • Progressivism

    Other Half:
    The other hald is the idea Jacob Riis has that concerned the poverish people of America. it showed the bad conditions they lived in and explained that the government was made up of wealthy people that did not care about their lives. In the end it brought change by making more people aware of just how bad the other lived.
  • American Frontier

    American Frontier
    The populist party was made up of mostly farmers that were outraged with taxes, banks, and businesses. In retalliation they created the Grange adn the Farmers Alliance to regulate big businesses and railroads which lowered railroad rates. Eventually the rates did go back up due to debt, but the farmers did progressand make more of a stance for themselves.
  • The Age of Imperalism

    The Age of Imperalism
    Spainish-American War:
    The USS Maine was a U.S. ship sent to Cuba to help and then blown up by Spain because of this a war broke out with Spain and America. The Rough Riders were sent by the U.S. to defeat Spain. America won and the two countries signed the treaty of Paris, which freed Cuba, the Phillipines, Puerto Rico, and Guam.
  • Progressivism

    Disenfranchisment is the idea that certian people are not given the right to vote in an election. In the early 1900's on white males that owned property could vote. This sparked mainly women and blakcs to fight for suffrege and it was leading factor in the civil rights movement.
  • The Age of Imperalism

    The Age of Imperalism
    In the U.S. three types of diplomacy has been practiced, Big Stick, Dollar, and Missonary. The difference in the three are the Big Stick means to carry a big stick but speak softly, Dollar means to increase American investments, and missonary means to promote progress adn democracy in the world. Each diplomacy practiced. strengthened America's international relationships.
  • The Great War

    The Great War
    Woodrow Wilson:
    Woodrow Wilson supported the triple entente mainly becuase he was woorried about the influence for german immigrants on Americans. During this time he took measures to stop german influence by banning german teachings in schools. In the end his main effect on the war was his campaign slogan, "He kept us out of war", which was supported by Americans and meant they agreed to staying neutral.
  • The Great War

    The Great War
    Fear of Foreigners:
    During the war time Americans were afraid of the influence and capabilities of foreigners in America. This fear led Amerrica to create the emergency quota act which limited the number of immigrants allowed in the U.S. a year. This ultimately resulted in two italian men being charged with out much evidence and executed, which showed just how weak America was when it came to their fear of foreigners.
  • Gilded Age

    Gilded Age
    Robber Barons/ Captains of Industry:
    Important ment led America to bigger businesses and prosperity, but some men were robber barons and some were captains of industry. Robber Barons were corrupt and stole money from the American people, while the Captains of Industry actually tried to help all Americans financially, The men that made up these groups ultimately brought on business regulations or prosperity.
  • Roarin' 20's Great Depression

    Roarin' 20's Great Depression
    Prosperity/ Depression:
    In the 20's many Americans started to feel more finacally stable and in return invested more in the U.S. By the 30's people were realizing the money they thought they had was borrowed and there was no way to return it. This caused many businesses and families to go into debt and resulted in the biggest economic depression America has ever experienced.
  • Roarin' 20's great Depression

    Roarin' 20's great Depression
    Women/ Prohibition:
    Many women during this time protested the consumption of alcohol becuase they felt that it created tension in their families. They eventually got the 18th admendment passed making alcohol illegal. This lasted for years but was overturned by the 21st admendment which allowed drinking for anyone over the age of 21.
  • Roarin' 20's Great Depression

    Roarin' 20's Great Depression
    FDR became president in 1932 and worked to help America's economy with his three step system. This system was relief(instant help to the hungry and homeless) , recovery( making new jobs and stablize industry), and reform(prevent another economic depression). It sounded good on paper, but many argued some of his new deal programs were unconstitutional, but he did make Americans aware that action needed to be taken to help.
  • WW11 & The Cold War

    WW11 & The Cold War
    Neutrality Acts/ Isolationism:
    Neutrality Acts were created in the U.S. for the U.S. stating they could not sell weapons to warring countries. Eventually the U.S. did become involved in WW11 beuase of totalitarianism, Isolationism ( after WW1) , revenge, and economics. Again the U.S. side did win which took away neutrality acts previously passed and isolationalism.
  • The Great War

    The Great War
    Allied/ Central Powers:
    The allied powers was made up of G.B., Russia, France, and later on the U.S., and the Central Powers was made up of Germany, Austria-Hungry, and the Ottoman Emprire. The allied powers main focus was to make sure the countries in the central powers did not gain control over the entire world. The allied powers won WW11 and stopped central powers from ruling the world and making it a more of a communist world to live in.
  • WW11 & The Cold War

    WW11 & The Cold War
    G.I. Bill:
    The GI BIll was created for the soliders during this time period. It gave them compensation for one year if they came home from war and their jobs had been taken and it also gave soliders the ability to go back to school and further there education. The G.I. BIll was good in that it provided more for the ones fighting for America.
  • WW11 & The Cold War

    WW11 & The Cold War
    Pearl Harbor:
    Pearl harbor was attacked by japan. When this happened many military men died and it cut off the quicker passage to the Pacific Islands for America, which weakened military strategic defense. Pearl Harbor now is a symbol to Americans of our history and will always be a place of rememberance.
  • Recovery, Prosperity, & Turmoil

    Recovery, Prosperity, & Turmoil
    Domnio Theory/ Vietnam:
    The Domino theory was this idea that if one country fell to communism every country around it would fall to communism and eventually it would be a communist world. America of course did not support communism, because of this the U.S. used the domino theory as an excuse to fight in the war.
  • Recovery, Prosperity, & Turmoil

    Recovery, Prosperity, & Turmoil
    Civil Rights Organizations:
    Civil Right groups were created during the civil rights movement for people with the same goals and belifs on how life should be to come together. These organizations helped to get more people involved in the effort to make all people equal. Eventually after many hardships blacks did gain the right to be considered equal to whites.
  • Recovery, Prosperity, & Turmoil

    Recovery, Prosperity, & Turmoil
    Counterculture was the idea of a rising generation in the 60's that opposed the way life had always been. The rejected the norm of society and many fitted into the "hippie" group. This was a time of distance in soociety because many people felt counterculture was not a good thing.
  • The U.S. since the Vietnam War

    The U.S. since the Vietnam War
    Watergate Scandal:
    In this time Nixon was president and accused of brekaing in the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee along with a few others. It caused a big uproar amoung the American people, but ultimately led to imprisonment and new laws being set.
  • The U.S. since Vietnam War

    The U.S. since Vietnam War
    Stag Flation:
    Due to the U.S. supporting Israel in the war against Iraq Americans were faced to deal with stagflation. This meant that inflation and higher unemployment happened at the same time. This caused America's economy to be strained somewhat.
  • The U.S. since Vietnam War

    The U.S. since Vietnam War
    Ronald Reagan:
    Reagan was the 40th president elected and he led America through the end of the cold war. His plans included winning the war, standing strong against the soviets, and imporving the American Economy. Although Reagan may not have beent he president he definitely got the country through a tough time and gave Americans hope.