sacagawea by manal

By saidm
  • birth

    sacagawea was born in 1789 or 1790. Her exact date and year of birth is unknown. Sacagawea belongs to a shoshanee tribe or snake indian becues she lives near the snake river.
  • war against the minataree indians

    A diffrent tribe called a minataree indians attackt the shoshone tirbe and kidnapped sacagawea when she was 12 years old ( date and month unknown)
  • louisiana doubled the country size

    in 1803 president jeffroson paid 2,500 to explore north amarica he send out lewis and clark4
  • Crops of discovery

    clark gatherd 43 men they called them selfs the crops of discovery
  • Sacagawea's baby jean - baptise

    Sacagawea 's healthy baby was born
  • death

    sacagawea diead in kenal nourth dakota