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Roots of American Democracy and The Road to Independence

By smoratz
  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    The Magna Carta was written by 40 rebelious barons to protect their rights and property against a tyrrical king (King John) by putting laws in place. This event was key to the idea of limited government.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    A written framework of government was drafted to prevent dissent amongst Puritans and non-separatist Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth a few days earlier.This event is key to the idea of limited government.
  • The Petition of Right

    The Petition of Right
    Parliamentary declaration of the rights and liberties of the people. This document set out specific liberties of the subject that the king is prohibited from infringing. This event was key to the idea of limited government.
  • English Bill of Rights

    English Bill of Rights
    Set to limit the power of the crown, state the rights of the government, and protect the right to petition the monarch without fear of retribution. The English Bill of Rights reflected John Locke's ideas. This event was key to the idea of limited government.
  • Albany Plan of Union

    Albany Plan of Union
    This plan was written by Benjamin Franklin for all 13 colonies to unite and fight as one power to win the French and Indian War. This event was key to the idea of the road to revolution.
  • Declaration of Rights and Grievances

    Declaration of Rights and Grievances
    This was a result of the Intolerable Act directed towards the king and Parliament.It declared that taxes imposed on British colonists without their formal consent were unconstitutional. The delegates decided to take several actions, including a boycott of British goods. This event was key to the idea of limited government and the road to revolution.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    This act imposed on all American colonists and required them to pay a tax on every piece of printed paper they used. This act was passed by the British Parliament. This event was key to the idea of limited government and the road to revolution.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    Stamp Act Congress
    In New York, this group was formed to draft a set of formal petitions stating why Parlaiment had not right to tax them in response to the Stamp Act law. This event was key to the idea of limited government and the road to revolution.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Patriots seized 342 chests of tea in a midnight raid on three tea ships and threw them into the Boston Harbor in protest to the Tea Act. This event was key to the idea of both limited government and the road to revolution.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    A series of laws passed by british in attempt to punish Massachusetts for the Boston Tea Party in 1774. This event was key to the idea of limited government and the road to revolution.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    Convention of delegates from 12 colonies in response to the passage of the Intolerable Acts in an attempt to halt them. This event was key to the idea of limited government and the road to revolution.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    A convention of the delegates from 12 colonies (excluding Georgia) reconvened to decide how to respond to the American Revolution. The Declaration of Independence was the result. This event was key to the idea the road to revolution.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    It announced the 13 colonies regarded themselves as independent from Britain.This event was key to the idea of limited government and the road to revolution.