Roots of American Democracy

  • Jan 26, 1215

    Magna Carta

    King John of England agreed, in 1215, to the demands of his barons and authorized that handwritten copies of Magna Carta be prepared on parchment, affixed with his seal.
  • Period: Jan 24, 1500 to


    Mercantilism was the theory of trade espoused by the major European powers from roughly 1500 to 1800.
  • First colony Founded

    Settlers from england settled in virgina. tehy later called the colony Jamestown
  • House of Burgess

    During the 1610s, the small English colony at Jamestown was essentially a failure. Fearful of losing their investment, the officers of the Virginia Company of London embarked upon a series of reforms designed to attract more people to the troubled settlement.1619, a meeting of the House of Burgesses was held in Jamestown, the first such assembly in the Americas
  • Mayflower Compact

    Document signed by 41 male passengers on the Mayflower before landing at Plymouth . Concerned that some members might leave to form their own colonies, William Bradford and others drafted the compact to bind the group into a political body and pledge members to abide by any laws that would be established. The document adapted a church covenant to a civil situation and was the basis of the colony's government.
  • Pylmouth Colony

    100 English men and women–many of them members of the English Separatist Church–set sail for the New World aboard the Mayflower, a three-masted merchant ship.Though more than half the original settlers died during that grueling first winter, the survivors were able to secure peace treaties with neighboring Native American tribes and build a largely self-sufficient economy within five years
  • Fundematal orders of Connecticut

    Basic law of the Connecticut colony from 1639 to 1662.Thomas Hooker, John Haynes, and Roger Ludlow were most influential in framing the document.
  • Culpepers Rebellion

    Led by John Culpeper and George Durant, the rebels imprisoned the deputy governor and other officials. They convened a legislature, chose Culpeper as governor, and ran the colony for two years.
  • Culpepers rebellion

    Led by John Culpeper and George Durant, the rebels imprisoned the deputy governor and other officials.
  • Glorious Revolution

    The Glorious Revolution was the overthrow of James II of England in 1688 by a union of Parliamentarians and the Dutch stadtholder William III of Orange-Nassau.
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

    The final Colonial War (1689-1763) was the French and Indian War, which is the name given to the American theater of a massive conflict involving Austria, England, France, Great Britain, Prussia, and Sweden called the Seven Years War. The conflict was played out in Europe, India, and North America. In Europe, Sweden , Austria, and France were allied to crush the rising power of Frederick the Great, King of Prussia.
  • English bill of Rights

    The English Bill of Rights grew out of the Glorious Revolution of 1688.The Bill of Rights combined past grievances against the deposed king with a more general statement of basic liberties.
  • Period: to

    Salem Witch Trials

    Nineteen men and women were convicted of being witchs and hung at the gallows. hudrends more were convicted and put in jail.
  • Sugar/Revenue act of 1764

    one of a series of causes leading up to the American Revolutionary War. The British government passed a series of acts over the course of thirty years or so that made the American colonists increasingly angry
  • Period: to

    First Great Awakening

    Whitefield and Edwards believed churches should be organized to be entirely distinct from New England governments. They preached that salvation was only of God and that humans did not possess any ability whatever toward salvation; it came only as a result of God’s saving call. In other words, man’s “righteousness” would not save him no matter how many good deeds he has done.
  • Albany plan of Union

    Benjamin Franklins early attempt at forming a union of the colonies.
  • Period: to

    Pontiacs Rebellion

    The Indian tribes of the Ohio Valley were surprised and angered by the defeat of their French allies in the French and Indian War; the natives were in possession of their homelands and had little feeling of loss during their association with Frenchmen. When word arrived in the Ohio Valley that the tribes were expected to turn their loyalty to a new European monarch, George III of Britain, they were outraged.
  • Proclamation line of 1763

    The end of the French and Indian War in 1763 was a cause for great celebration in the colonies, for it removed several ominous barriers and opened up a host of new opportunities for the colonists.The royal proclamation of 1763 did much to dampen that celebration. The proclamation, in effect, closed off the frontier to colonial expansion.
  • Stamp Act

    On February 6th, 1765 George Grenville rose in Parliament to offer the fifty-five resolutions of his Stamp Bill. A motion was offered to first read petitions from the Virginia colony and others was denied. The bill was passed on February 17, approved by the Lords on March 8th, and two weeks later ordered in effect by the King. The Stamp Act was Parliament's first serious attempt to assert governmental authority over the colonies. Great Britain was faced with a massive national debt following the
  • Virignia Resloves

    The Virginin resloves were resolutions passed by the virginia general assembly in response to the Stamp Act.
  • Sons of Liberty

    A group of shopkeepers and artisans who called themselves The Loyal Nine, began preparing for agitation against the Stamp Act. As that group grew, it came to be known as the Sons of Liberty.
  • Townsend Act

    Taxes on glass, paint, oil, lead, paper, and tea were applied with the design of raising 40,000 a year for the administration of the colonies. The result was the resurrection of colonial hostilities created by the Stamp Act.
    Reaction assumed revolutionary proportions in Boston, in the summer of 1768, when customs officials impounded a sloop owned by John Hancock, for violations of the trade regulations. Crowds mobbed the customs office, forcing the officials to retire to a British Warship.
  • Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre was a street fight that occured between patriots and british soldiers. The patriots used snowballs, stones, sticks to attack a squad of british soldiers.
  • Intolertable Acts

    Parliament repealed the duties, except for the one on tea. That same day, the Boston massacre set a course that would lead the Royal Governor to evacuate the occupying army from Boston, and would soon bring the revolution to armed rebellion throughout the colonies
  • Gaspee Incident

    A local vessel out of Newport was under way to Providence when its captain baited the HMS Gaspee and led Duddington into shallow waters near Warwick. The Gaspee ran aground at a place that is now known as Gaspee Point. News of the grounding quickly reached Providence and a party of fifty-five, led by a man named John Brown, planned an attack on the ship
  • Committees of correspondence

    The Committees of Correspondence were formed throughout the colonies as a means of coordinating action against Great Britain. Many were formed by the legislatures of the respective colonies, others by extra-governmental associations such as the Sons of Liberty in the various colonies.
  • Tea Act

    The act was not intended to raise revenue in the American colonies, and in fact imposed no new taxes. It was designed to prop up the East India Company which was floundering financially and burdened with eighteen million pounds of unsold tea
  • Boston Tea Party

  • Period: to

    First Continental Congress

    The first Continental Congress met in Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia.All of the colonies except Georgia sent delegates. The colonies presented there were united in a determination to show a combined authority to Great Britain.
  • Edenton Tea party

    Mrs. Penelope Barker organized, at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth King, fifty-one women in Edenton, North Carolina. Together they formed an alliance wholeheartedly supporting the American cause against “taxation without representation.”
  • Period: to

    Second Continental Congress

    The Second Continental CongressContinental Congress
    The Continental Congress was a convention of delegates called together from the Thirteen Colonies that became the governing body of the United States during the American Revolution. The Congress met from 1774 to 1789 in three incarnations.
  • Declaration of Independence

    A five-man committee was tasked with with drafting the formal intentions of the Colonies. know known as the declaration of Independence. It s now celebrated as the birth of americas independence
  • Articles of confederation

    Created during the Revolutionary War the Articles reflect the wariness by the states of a strong central government. Afraid that their individual needs would be ignored by a national government with too much power, and the abuses that often result from such power, the Articles purposely established a "constitution" that vested the largest share of power to the individual states.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Ended the United States war for inependence.In addition to giving formal recognition to the U.S., the nine articles that embodied the treaty: established U.S. boundaries, specified certain fishing rights, allowed creditors of each country to be paid by citizens of the other, restored the rights and property of Loyalists, opened up the Mississippi River to citizens of both nations and provided for evacuation of all British forces
  • Land Ordinance of 1785

    set forth how the government of the United States would measure, divide and distribute the land it had acquired from Great Britain north and west of the Ohio River at the end of the American Revolution.
  • Period: to

    Shays Rebellion

    A wave of farm foreclosures in western Massachusetts swept the young republic to its first episode in class struggle. Demonstrators and rioters protested high taxation, the governor's high salary, high court costs and the assembly's refusal to issue paper money.
  • The Constitutional Convention

    For four months, 55 delegates from the several states met to frame a Constitution for a federal republic that would last into "remote futurity."
  • Land Ordinance of 1787

    Ohio Land Company expressed an interest in buying 5 million acres of land should the territory be organized on a free basis, the Articles of Confederation.
  • Fedralist/anti-fedralist papers

    -The Federalist Papers were a series of articles written under the pen name of Publius by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay.
    -the AntiFederalist Papers writers were nonetheless articulate. Serious questions were raised which eventually led to some of the Federalist writings that served as answers to allegations of the AntiFederalists.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Angered by an excise tax imposed on whiskey farmers in the western counties of Pennsylvania engaged in a series of attacks on excise agents.