
Ronald Reagan

  • Birthday

    Ronald Regan was born in Tampico, Illinois February 1911
  • First Job

    First Job
    Ronald Reagan first job was a life gaurd in 1926. He was notice by the news in 1928.
  • school/ college

    school/ college
    Ronald Regan joined Eureka College in 1928. He majored his topics and was succesful in college. But at te end he only cared about acting and pass college with a C in most classes.
  • Army

    Rnald Regan was in the army in1935. He was promoted to captain of the army. He fought in WW2 and his fellow troops said he fought well. But later he had to be moved out of the war. He left the posotion to become the president of the U.S.
  • Actor

    Ronald Regan was an actor in 1937. he did so many movies, for example "This is the army." He was very succesfull at it to.
  • Family

    Ronald Regan married James Wyman and had two children. They were named Ron Reagan and Micheal Reagan. IThey were a family until 2004, Reagans death.
  • Party

    Ronald Reagan join the Republican party in 1962.
  • Election

    In 1980 it was Ronald Reagan election. He was versing Jim Carter and and John B. Anderson for President. He with 50.8% of the popular and 44 states. With this he won the election.
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    Ronald Reagan was in the cold war in the 1970s. Even though Russia wanted violance, Reagan wanted peace.He only used force is when he sent a group of about 80 marines to see if Russia was sending any nukes at us, but they didn't. When Russia and U.S.A. made peace Ronald Reagan ask Russia permission to build a bride between them, they agreed.
  • Death

    Ronald Reagan died on June 5th 2004 because of Alzheimer's disease that attacked him for a decade.
  • Ronald Regan Our President

    Ronald Regan Our President