
Robert Moya's Language Development

  • Born in Brooklyn N.Y. Span/Engl

    Born in Brooklyn N.Y. Span/Engl
    Language Development
    Spanish/ used by my mother
    English used by my dad
  • Babysitter

    Language Developmemt
    English mainly used by my babysitter and her daughters.
    while Spanish was used by my mother and other family members
  • Period: to

    Language Development English/Spanish

  • Day Care Center/ Kindergarden

    Day Care Center/ Kindergarden
    Language Development
    Completely in English at daycare and school
    Spanish was used by parents and some family members
    Oral skills are most dominant in English
  • Period: to

    Language Dev. English/ Spanish

    Engl/ Span
  • Relocated to Puerto Rico

    Relocated to Puerto Rico
    Language literecy skills were most dominant in English orally.
    Spanish was mostly used literacy skills improved orally, written and reading in spanish
  • Period: to

    Language Development

    Literecy skills dominant in English
    Spanish mostly used
  • Relocated to New York

    Relocated to New York
    English and Spanish used. Literacy skills were most dominant in Spanish
    English literacy skills in writing and reading not developed.
  • Relocated to Puerto Rico

    Relocated to Puerto Rico
    Spanish mostly used
    very little English used
    Languagr literacy skill are well balanced
    in both languages in reading,writing, and orally
  • Relocated to New York

    Relocated to New York
    Language Development
    English mostly used
    Very little Spanish used
    Language literacy skills are balanced and fluent in both languages in reading, writing, and orally
  • Relocated to Puerto Rico

    Relocated to Puerto Rico
    Spanish and English used.
  • Joined Panda Rest. Group

    Joined Panda Rest. Group
    Literacy Skills in English were practiced
    Spanish and English use was balanced on all literacy skills.
  • U.P.R. of Humacao / Cayey

    U.P.R. of Humacao / Cayey
    Enrolled in college in Pedogogy Program mayoring in English.
    Both Languages were used during this time period.
    Literecy Skills in both languages were inproved.
  • Became a ESL Teacher

    Became a ESL Teacher
    Fluent in both languages
    Literecy skills in both languages continue to improve mainly in English.
  • Period: to


    Improving literacy skills mostly in English.