Roaring 20's/Great Depression Timeline

  • Henry Ford/Model-T

    Being manufactured by Ford, the Model-T became one of the more afforable cars of the time and became accustomed to as more and more people purchased these different items.
  • 18th Amendment

    The 18th Amendment takes effect, making alcohol illegal to be manufactured, transported, or sold in the U.S.
  • 19th Amendment

    Women are given the right to vote.
  • Pittsburgh Radio KDKA

    First radio station to be founded, as American lifestyles were changing.
  • Black Tuesday

    On black tuesday, one of the worst stock market crashes ever occurs, and begins the Great Depression.
  • Herbert Hoovers Promise

    Herbert Hoovers Promise
    Herbert Hoover promises the U.S. had passed the worst and the economy would rebuild itself, but no one knew that the worst had just begun.
  • The New Deal

    The New Deal
    FDR promises a new deal for the American people in hopes to end the great depression.
  • Tennessee Valley Authority Act

    Tennessee Valley Authority Act
    An act allowing the construction of a federally operated hydroelectric program, containing dams
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    A serious dust storm and drought resulting in the deaths of thousands of animals and some people.
  • End of The Great Depression

    End of The Great Depression
    The great depression ends as FDR nears reelection. New Deal program helps U.S. get back on track.