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  • The First Ship Sets Sail For Roanoke

    The First Ship Sets Sail For Roanoke
    Queen Elisebeth I issued a charter to allow Sir Walter Raliegh to explore the newly discovered land of Roanoke.
    (Photo above from British Museum)
  • The First Ships Lands At Roanoke

    The first ship landed lands at Roanoke.
  • The Second Trip To Roanoke

    Sir Walter Raleigh's funded a second trip arrived at Roanoke. This second trip was to prepare for the colonists to settle.
  • John White Arrived At Roanoke With The Colonists

    After two previous trips John White arrived at Roanoke with a group of colonist ready to colonize.
  • The First Child Was Born In Roanoke

    The First Child Was Born In Roanoke
    John White's granddaughter Virginia Dare was born. She was the first child to be born in the New World. A couple of days after Dare was born another child was born also, except there is no documentation of the name or parents.
    (Photo from Britannica)
  • John White Leave Roanoke To Get More Supplies

    John White sailed back to Roanoke to gather more colonists and supplies. White was not planning on returning to England. The colonists become irritable and demanded White to return to gather supplies and more people.
  • John White Returns To Roanoke

    John White Returns To Roanoke
    After three years John White returned to Roanoke, to discover nothing.
    (Credit: Stock Montage/Getty Images)