Road to the Revolution

By asung8
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The French and Indian War was fought between mainly the British and French. The Birtish allies were the colonial militia and a few Indian tribe, while the French had many Indian allies. They fought over land, control of trade routes, and simply because the English and French were traditional enemies. This is significant to the revolution, because the English spent $8 million on the war, and then to make money they taxed the colonists.
  • The first Quartering Act

    The first Quartering Act
    The Quartering Act was created after the Townshend act, which repealed previous acts that placed taxes on common object that the colonist used (sugar, printed items). The Quartering act required the American colonist to house British soldiers. This upset them because it was a major invasion of their privacy. Also, this cost them money, and the hotel industry could not make money off of this either. This is important, because it was an act that really outraged the colonists.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party came as a result of a tax placed on tea by the British. King George the third placed a monopoly on tea, so the only kind of tea that people could buy was tea from the British East India company. This outraged merchants. A group of colonist rebel by sneaking into the harbor at night, dressed as Indians, and dumped a million dollars of tea into the harbor. This is signifant, because this infuriated the King, and again caused him to lose money.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    The British rule began to feel threatened, and King George weas very upset about this, His goal with the Intolerable Acts were to "Reduce colonies to state of dependence." This included five laws. The Boston port Act, Mass govt. act, Justice act, 2nd quartering act, and the Quebec Act. As a result, Boston was isolated, also, this further pushed their desire for independence.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    Militias began forming all around Mass. and they were hard to control for the British. The Kings goal was to seize leaders and munition. The British had planned poorly as the colonist spy network was able to figure them out. This is a big event leazding to the revolution, because this is when the first shot is said to be fired.
  • Olive Branch of Petition

    Olive Branch of Petition
    This was a document wrote in attempt to reconcile with the British. They agreed to cease fire, as long as King George repealed the acts and refined their colonial rights. To the king, this was a joke. This is significant, because this upset the colonies, and they declared state of rebellion.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    This was a document written by Thomas Jefferson. It expressed many people in America's minds. It was passed on July fourth, which is now "Independence Day" This was sent to England. The ultimnate significance of this was the declaration of America's own indepence, and this called for full blown war.