Road to the Constitution Timeline

  • Jun 1, 1215

    Magna Carta

    King John signed the Magna Carta on the bank of River Thames near Windsor, England. The rights it gave to the subjects were the right to due process, and Habeas Corpus.
  • The Mayflower Compact

    The purpose of the Mayflower Compact was that it was a contract in which the settles agreed to follow the compacts rules in regulations for the sake and order of surviving.
  • Pention of Right

    Pention of Right
    Rights that were granted are taxes levied only by parliment, Martial Law may not be delcared in a time of peace, and right to question the legitimacy of their detentions. John Dickinson signed this document.
  • English Bill of Rights

    The English Bill of Rights was signed by King William the third and Queen Mary the second. It granted citizens the right to petition the monarch and the right to bear arms in defense.
  • Albany Plan of Union

    Albany Plan of Union
    Benjamin Franklin suggested this plan. This plan never happened because it gave too much power to an assembly made up of representatives from all 13 colonies. A political cartoon of this meeting was Join or Die, the snake dissecred into 13 parts. (shown in the picture). Benjamin Franklin created this cartoon.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The 2 major players were Britian and France. Some of the major battles: Battle of Necessity, Battle of lake George, Battle of Osweso. The peace conferance strengthened the American Colonies significantly by removing their European rivals to the north and south and opening the Mississippi valley westward expansion. This event changed our relationship with britan by: Making our taxes higher made the colonists resist the british more.
  • King George III Takes Power

    As a result from the French and Indian war, the colonies and England had more animosity between eachother becuase taxes were raised by King George III in the colonies, to pay for the war.
  • Stamp Act

    Required the colonists to pay a tax on legal documents, pamphlets, newspapers, and even dice and playing cards. The colonial leaders reacted by refusing to buy british goods.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    3 colonists were killed immediately and 2 died later of their wounds. (5 total). The acts were being enforced were called the Townshed acts.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Group of colonists, dresses as Mohawk Indians and dumped 342 chests of british tea into the Boston Harbor, The british responded by closing the Boston Harbor, another withdrew the right of the massachusetts colony to govern itself.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    George Washington was the first president under the articles. 3 success of the articles are: States remained governed and independant with congress serving as a last resort on a repeat of desputes. Congress was also given teh athority to make treaty's and alliances, maintain armed forces and coin money. Third, Set aside land in each township for public use. Now the failures the central goverment lacked the ability to levy taxes. Regulate commons. Third raising adn maintaining a military.
  • Intolerable Acts

    The British passed the Intolorable acts in retalliation for destroying the British property. The British then closed all ports until colonists paid for the destroyed tea, restricted the colonists's own goverment and troops are allowed to house themselves wherever, whenever, British officials accused of crimes allowed to stand trial in Britain.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    The major personalities involved were: Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, Richard Henry Lee, George Washington. Virgina and Massachusetts called a general meeting of the colonies. Delegates from all of the colonies exept Georgia. This meeting took place in Philidelphia on September 5, 1774.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    The Revolutionary war was a result of conflict. Some major generals involved are: Gage, Hugh Perey William Heath. Paul Revere warned the colonits that the British were coming.
  • Second Continental Congress

    This took place in Philidelphia, Pa. The idea of the Declaration of Independance was a result of this meeting. The colonial leaders involved are Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold.
  • Decleration of Independance

    Decleration of Independance
    Thomas Jefferson wrote the Decleration of Independance. The 3 major parts of the Decleration are: Preamble, Bill of Rights and the resolution of independance.
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of  Paris
    John Adams, Ben Franklin, John Jay are the men who represented the United States in it's signing. Florida, North of the Great Lake, Alantic coast, West of the Mississippi river are all new boundaries of the United States. The British finally recognized Our Consitution.