The constitution is becoming the road less traveled

Road To The Constitution: Courtney Cal

  • Jun 1, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Known as one of the most important legal documents in the history of democracy, It served to justify libertys in defence. The settlers believed they should have the same rights as the Englishmen, those rights were guarenteed in the Magna Carta
  • Early American Settlers

    Early American Settlers
    wiki answersresources
    Early American Settlers wanted religious freedom along with a strong education. Settelers came to start a new life. They knew of Americas freedom and liberties.
    An ordered government has orderly regulations between the government and the state.
    Limited government is regulations for what the government can and cannot do.
    A represenative government is where the people elect officials to create public policies.
  • Creation of the Thirteen Colonies

    had to earn a living through farming, colonies were divided into three categories, some colonies didnt have fertile land. Government features included common law, voting, annual meetings for the town, handled affairs and wars with Native Americans. England treated the colonies unfairly including the stamp act,sugar act, and trade laws
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower compact was a written agreement from the new settlers of New Plymoth. Mayflower Compact had fair/equal laws
  • Petition of a Right

    source2sourceThe petition recognized four problems; no taxation without the consent of parliment, no imprisonment without cause, no seperation of soldiers on subjects, and no laws imposed by the military during peace time.
  • English Bill of Rights

    sourceEnglish bill of rights was a document that limited the power of the british monarch (ruler of that state of nation) at the time. The document told certain civil and political rights. It told who could and could not be in power
  • Albany Plan of Union

    sourceFranklin wanted to unite the British North American colonies. He was planning to create a legislative body that would have the power to control large sales between different countries and organize defence. His plan was regected because colonists and the British Crown worried the plan would be difficult to control.
  • Stamp Act

    [source](http// tax just for American colonists that required them to pay for every piece of printed paper they used
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    sourceMany colonists felt the British had violated colonial rights by setting up an army to occupy the cities. It broke out in a fight between the Redcoats and Boston colonists causing the townspeople to intervein killing five colonists and an African American dockworker.
  • Tea Act

    tea Act took action because East India had pound of unsold tea. It was to be shipped to the colonies and sold a bargain price
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Tea ships were told to leave the harbor without any payment, they refused, dumping offending cargos of tea into the harbor
  • First Continental Congress

    sourceThe first continental congress was ment so that the population could vote to elect a Grand Council. This council would represent the interests of the colonies and would make everything equal to the English Parliment. It resulted in the joining of the colonies, boycotting of English products, and a plan to meet again if they didnt accomplish what they wanted.
  • Second Continental Congress

    sourcesourceCongress had to conduct a war that was already in progress. They needed to train an offical army out of untrained militia. Congress adopted the declaration, acted as a government for colonies during the war, raised an army and navy, approved the Articles of Confederation, and made peace with Great Britian.
  • American Revolution

    source2sourceBegan with a disagreement between the way Great Britain treated the colonies. No taxation without representation. Goal was to secure the rights of the citizens of America. The result was a economic depression
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration lists the rights the colonists believed they should have their complaints against Britian and resons to form a new country.
    Values include Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness
  • Articles of Confederation

    The articles had the power to regulate foreign affairs, war, the postal service, appoint military officers, control indian affairs, borrow moneydetermine the value of a coin. and issue bills of credit. A weakness was there was an inability to regulate trade and levy taxes. It engaged tariff wars and debt.
  • End of Revolutionary War and a Critical Period

    End of Revolutionary War and a Critical Period
    Congress had limited authority, it could not pass a law in less nine states voted in favor of it. Poblems included new land policies. National government took control of the lands west of the appalachins
  • Mount Vernan

    source2sourceA meeting about trade, navigation, and fishing rights and the Potomae River. Because the meeting was a success its seen as a stepping stone to the convention in Philadelphia which produced the US constitution.
  • Annapolis

    sourceThe meeting was called to talk about ways to establish rules and the regulation of trade between states. This led to the constitutional convention which then later turned into the constituion of the U.S.
  • Constitutional Convention

    The convention was to revise the Articles of Confederation. Instead they wanted to create a new government rather than fix the existing one. The result was the US constitution.
  • New Jersey Plan

    A plan for a new national government that enforced laws and collected taxes. It was considered a better alternative than the articles but some opposed because it ment that smaller states would have no say in the government
  • Virginia Plan

    sourceWanted a strong national government with three branches with checks and balances to prevent abuse of power
  • Three-Fifths Compromise

    source2sourceAn agreement between the Southern and Northern states. Only three-fifths of the slave population was counted for taxation and representation. Counting slaves as population rather than property would give them more political count. five slaves count as three people.
  • Ratifying the Constitution

    sourceratify: approve; to confirm
    Anti-federalists believed that each state should have its own government. They believed the constitution gave the president to much power, that the bill of rights should be included to protect individuality. The federalists supported the constituion, they believed the articles of confederation was too weak. They wanted a strong central government so they wanted it divided into three branches to keep it from becoming too powerful. Federalists got the ratification beca
  • Commerce and Slave Trade

    Allowed congress to regulate tariffs (taxes) on foreign imports, but not on exports and protected the interests of slave holders.
  • Conneticut Compromise

    Conneticut Compromise
    sourceBetween big and small states. The compromise was to have equal assigned seats in the senate throughout the states. The agreement was reached during the constitutional convention and resulted in a two branch legislature to balance the representation of small/large states.
  • Constitution Goes Into Effect

    "Dont interfere with anything in the constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the safe guard of out librities."- Abraham Lincoln