
Road To The Constitution

  • Jun 17, 1215

    Magna Carta

    This doccument was signed by the barons of Medieval England and King John at Runnymede near Windsor Castle. The people were givin the right to stop the king from abusing his power as leader to end others sufferings. The king agreeded with them because they leant him money and men.
  • Mayflower Compact

    The purpose of this document is to prevent dissent among puritans and non separatist pilgrims who had landed in Plymouth a few days before they did, This compact was created because they knew they were out of bounds that the government had allowed them, so they digned it in agreement to follow whatever goevernment was established after landing.
  • Petition of Rights

    Signed by Charels I stated that no taxes should be levied without consent form parliement. It also stated that no freeman should be imprisoned except by the law of the land.
  • Englislh Bill of Rights

    Video about English Bill of Rights The parliament of England and William and Mary signed this document. The citizens got the right to freedom of speech, religion, and press. This is document is known as the first ten amendments of the constitution, or law of land.
  • Albany Plan Uninion

    Ben Franklin suggested this plan, but it never happened. This is when he came up with the political cartoon " Join or Die" He suggested this plan to give the British North American colonies a more centralized government, but Parliment decided it would casue to many other problems, so it was never created.
  • French And Indina War

    French And Indina War
    This picture is the Inians, whichj seem to be upset, talking to the French who are sitting and standing not seeming to care. Great Britain, France, and American Indians were the major personalities in this war. Some major envents include Britian being defeated at Ft. Duquesne, the battle of Quebec, and the treaty of Paris. The British ended up on top of this war. After the war the American colonies resisted British authority as they enforced their policies to rebuild from the damage of the war.
  • French and Indian War 2

    This seven year war in Europe was one of the bloodist America had seen in that century. It was all due to an imperial stuggle between the three countries on wealth and land.
  • King George III Takes Power

    King George III Takes Power
    He became the king of Great Britain and Ireland after his grandfather passed away. He was a nationalist who stated " I glory in the name of Britain" in his acession speech when he was 22 years old. During his leadership Britain continually lost support thoughout the war as the French and Indies gained more and more.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    All legal documents and printed materails (this includes wills, deeds, newspapers, pamphlets, and playing cards and dice). The colonists continued to accept Parliments authority to reglate trade but they insisted that only their represenitive assembilies could levy direct international taxes. this picture shows how the Colonists feel towards the Stamp Act, angry.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    This picture is a dipiction of the Boston Massacre, the crazieness and the outrage of the people. Six colinist were killed and two were injured during the chaos. A patriot mob was throwing things at a group of British soliders including snowballs, stones, and sticks. The soilders reacted by firing at them and enflicting the chaos to begin.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    This picture shows the colonists taking action toward the British by dumping the tea into the water because they refuse to pay taxes. The sons of Liberty organized this event. The British responded with the intolerable act closing Boston ports and destruying Massachusset's gpvernment. The American colonist disguised themselves as Native Americans and dumped over 300 crated of tea in the Boston harbor because of the increase tax on tea.
  • Intolerable Act

    These acts were caused by the boston tea party. The act made four provisions which were Boston Port act, MAssachusetts government act, administraion of Justice and Quortering Act.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    The picture shows some of the key people at the first continental congress. Peyton Randolph, Henry Middleton, and Charles Thomson were the major people involved in this event. They established the course of congress as a statement of principles common to all other colonies, and if this did not help, they would meet again next year. This meeting took place at Carpenter's Hall in Philidelphia Pennsylvania. Delegates from the 13 colonies came together to discuss liberty and desided to meet again if
  • First Continental Congress 2

    nothing changed over the course of a year.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    This was the first battle of the revolutionary war. The british were following the orders of Lietenant Colonel Frances Smith and the Colonists were under Captain Parker. Paul Revere went from town to town on a midnight operation ment to be discreet since British troops were hiding out. The picture demonstares how the soilders dressed, their fighting style and the type of land they fought on.
  • Second Continental Congress

    The Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia, PA where they established the militia as the continental army with George Washington as COmmander and Cheif. Other colonial leaders that were in attendence were John Hancok, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin.
  • Decleration of Independence

    Decleration of Independence
    The Decleration of Independece was approved during the second continental congrass and written by John Hancock. This document was the fundimental change in the view of governement and made the government democratic. There are two key parts in the Decleration, one is "All men are created equal" and the other is "Life, Liberty and the Persuit of Happiness".
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris websitethe treaty was between the United States and Great Britian. This ended to Revolutikonary war and recognized American independence, The territory that was the US's was between Allegheny Mountains on the east and the Mississippi river on the west. There for the signingof the treaty was John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay and Henry Laurens.
  • Articles of Conderation

    Articles of Confederation websiteThis defined the federal government powers seperate from those of state. This was a result of the Decleration of Independence because there was no central government to replace British control of national issues such as commerece, foreign policy and defense. George Washington was the first president.
  • Start of Constitutional Convention

    Start of Constitutional Convention