road to revolution

  • sugar act of 1764

    sugar act of 1764
    indirect tax( out of sight out of mid) duties on mo asses and sugar
  • Stamp act

    Stamp act
    TAx on all papper products
    oficial stamp steal on all papper items ( prrof tax was paid purchased only with valuable silver coins
  • Townshend acts

    Townshend acts
    Taxes on glass lead paonts paper and tea searche for smuggled goods
  • boston massacare

    boston massacare
    fights between troops and bostoniians were coomon. March 5 1770 solider stroes colonist
    crownd gathers and hassled soldier throwing snow balls and shouting insults
  • tea act

    tea act
    passed in 1773 and allowd britsh east india compnay
    BEIC to sell tea derctly to colonest
    lower prices than colonests
    tea tax cheper than summgled
    less summgleng more tax mony
  • notlerable acts

    notlerable acts
    passed to punnesh boston for tea party
    boston harbor closed until tea paid for
    masshtushas charter canceled
  • boston tea party

    boston tea party
    members ofvthe sons of libarty dump over 350 cheats
  • quarting act

    quarting act
    quarting act requried colonests to house solders if solder coms knocking you your door your sleping in the floor
  • first continetal congress meets

    first continetal congress meets
    voted to send a stament of grivances
  • first contnal congress meets

    first contnal congress meets
    all colonies but georga have repressentaives
    votes to send a stament of grievannces
    voted to boycott all britsh trade
  • 1000 of redcots in boston

    1000 of redcots in boston
    gernel gage brings thousands of britsh soldords to boston with more on the way
  • midnight ride of paul revere

    midnight ride of paul revere
    paul revere rides to war the sons of libetry in lexington and concord that the britsh are coming the britsh are coming
  • battles of lexingtiong and concord

    battles of lexingtiong and concord
    1 st battle of the amercain revoluarty war
    shot heard round the world
    brithes victory
    battle of concord
    americans stop the british and force them to retrete
    bact tot boston
    amercain victory
  • captur of fort ticonderoga

    captur of fort ticonderoga
    get all suplises
    american victory
  • second contnal congress

    second contnal congress
    they printed $$$
    they set up a post office
    they created a contnal army led by george washingtiong
    they sighned a pitshion and sent it to king george the 3rd
    the king hires 300000 solders in response
  • battle on bunker hill

    battle on bunker hill
    dont fire till you see the white of there eye
  • washtiong arries on outskirts of boston with contneal troops

    washtiong arries on outskirts of boston with contneal troops
    relizes men are disorganized and need discipline
    need wepons
  • common sense published by thomas paine

    common sense published by thomas paine
    pamphlet inspires more colonest to become patriots
    everithing that is right or resonsable pleads for separation the blood of the slain the weeping voice of nature cries TIS TIME TO PART thomas paine common sense
  • britsh surrender boston

    britsh surrender boston
    washingtiong belives his army is and wepons arrive
    washingtiong puts cannos on dorechesther hights overlooking boston
    britsh retret- Amercain victory
  • second continal congress votes for indendence

    second continal congress votes for indendence
    all 13 colonies vote YES on declaring indipence
  • the declartion of indence is sighend

    the declartion of indence is sighend
  • seond contnal congress meet again

    seond contnal congress meet again
    debate on declaring indpendence
    thomas jeffreson is the primary author of the documant