American revolution

Road to Revolution 5.3 & 5.4

  • Plarcamation of 1763

    when the king said don't pass this line and move away from it
  • Sugar Act 1764

    taxed suger and moleasses
  • Stamp act 1765

    stright tax to the colonest eny thing printaed is taxed and stamped
  • Declaratory act 1766

    say that they can tax you but not now
  • Townshend act 1767

    taxing paper, lead, paint, glass, tea
  • The boaston massicer

    The boaston massicer
    when british fired on a crowd that was hitting and thowing stuff at them
  • Tea Act of 1773

    the british taxed tea. so they smuggeled tea
  • the frist continental congress

    the frist continental congress
    all but 1 went to talk. they planned what to do with briton.
  • 1,000 red coats

    1,000red coats and more head to boasten
  • midnight ride of pual revear

    midnight ride of pual revear
    told evey one half way that the british are comeing
  • battel of lexington and concord

    the first fight. They lost. The second one they won