rise of a world power

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    alfred thayer mahan

    mahan stressed the independence of military and control of the sea
    mahan greatly influenced the buildup of naval forces in the years prior to ww1

    Alfred phrase was whether they will or not Americans most ow begin to look outward the growing production of the centenary demands it
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    stanford b dole press of hawaii

    Ignoring the illegal origins of his own government, he refused President Cleveland's request that Lili`uokalani be restored to the throne. Instead, the Provisional Government declared itself the Republic of Hawai`i and in 1898 Dole went to Washington, D.C. to press for American annexation of the Islands. In 1898, Hawai`i became a United States territory and President McKinley appointed Dole first governor of the territory.
  • expanding world power

    in this period america changes their view from international expansion and domestic issues to becoming a global force both economically and military
  • uss maine

    the USS Maine was sent to Cuba to protect american citizens while Cuba revolutionaries were fighting to win their independence from spain publishers dultizer and heart newspaper deliberatly
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    spanish american war

    after the explosion of the uss maine and us wanted european powers to remain out western hemisphere were reasons of war military actions happened in cuba puerto rico and guan
    the treaty of paris was signed is again the philippines guam and all spains colonies and poerto rico w exception cuba do to us win they became known as world power
  • the open door policy

    the open door policy gave all nations equal right when trading down china the boxer rebellion threatened the lives of foreigners living in china an international army crushed the army
  • Theodore roosevelt

    Theodore Roosevelt was an new York city police commissioner before becoming the vice president he was also Governor of new York which later he became the president due to assignation of William McKinley,his famous catch phrase was speak softly but carry a big stick some called him the trust buster he also stopped the gov from selling public funds
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    panamal cannal

    the us wanted to build the panama canal to shorten the ocean journey from the east coast to the west coast
    the us entered the negotiations but could not agree with in terms president Roosevelt struck a deal with Panamanian rebels who wished to obtain there independence
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    dollar diplomacy

    the goal was to create stability abroad and create american commercial interests
    another goal was to use private capital to further us interest overseas
    the policy was evident in extensive us interventions in Venezuela and Cuba and central america
  • zimmmerman telegram

    was an internal diplomatic communication issued from the German Foreign Office in January 1917 that proposed a military alliance between Germany and Mexico in the event of the United States' entering World War I against Germany. The proposal was intercepted and decoded by British intelligence. Revelation of the contents enraged American public opinion, especially after the German Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmermann publicly admitted the telegram was genuine on 3 March,
  • roosevelt corollary

    the roosevelt corollsry changed the monroe doctrine the monroe doctrine blocked further expansion of europe in the western hemisphere the roosevelt colloary went one step further
    renouncedintervention and established his good neighborhood policy for the western hemisphere
  • trench warfare

    Trench warfare is a type of land warfare using occupied fighting lines consisting largely of trenches, in which troops are significantly protected from the enemy's small arms fire and are substantially sheltered from artillery. The most famous use of trench warfare is the Western Front in World War I.