Revoultionary War

  • Continental Congress Meets

    Continental Congress Meets
    It was a gathering of colonial leaders who were deeply troubled about the relationship between Great Britain and its colonies in America.
  • War begins

    War begins
    The Revolutionary War begins with the fighting at Lexington and concord
  • The Issue od of the Declaration of Independence

    The Issue od of the Declaration of Independence
    On July 4 the thirteen colonies issue the Declaration of Independence and break away from Great Britain.
  • France and America Ally

    France and America Ally
    France allies with the Americans and joins the war against Great Britain
  • Spain declares War

    Spain declares War
    Spain declares war against Great Britain
  • British surrenders

    British surrenders
    The British surrender to George Washington at Yorktown
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris is signed ending the war
  • Simon Bolivar is born

    Simon Bolivar is born
    Simon Bolivar is born in present-day and Venezuela