Revolutionary War Creighton

By loey52
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    People had to pay for the French and Indian War and people did not have a good amount of money to pay for it. Some of the people had the perfect amount of money to pay for food, taxes, and the French and Indian War too. If people didn't have alot of money to pay the taxes, food, supplies,and the French and Indian War, the people would have to loose their own house and suffer great consequences. Many people did not like to pay taxes for the French and Indian War.
    Picture Source: Getty Images
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    The Sugar Act is passed by the English Parliament in1774 to help pay for the French and Indian War.
    Picture Source: Getty Images
  • Fort Ticonderoga

    Fort Ticonderoga
    American forces led by Ethan Allen and Benedict Armold capture Fort Ticonderoga in New York. It took about 2 months to capture Fort Ticonderoga.
    Picture Source: Getty Images
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Signing of The Declaration of Independence happened on July the Fourth in 1776. It said colonists wanted rule themselves, separate from Britain.
    Picture Source: Getty Images
  • Yorktown, Virginia

    Yorktown, Virginia
    The British commander, Cornwallis surrendered to American forces. This was the end of The Revoltionary War.
    Picture Source: Getty Images