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Revolutionary War

By mluy-18
  • French and Indian War

    English, Great Britian, and France were having a battle for the land in America..
  • Proclamation of 1763

    End of the French and Indian war, a celebration for the colonies.
  • The Sugar Act

    They evaded the taxes and intercut the intention of the tax. The English prduct would be cheaper then the French West Indies. it hurt the British West Indies.
  • The Currency Act

    There were no gold or silver mines.. Some places didn't feel the need to print their own paper money in bills of credit.
  • The Stamp Act

    The stamp act was when the British made a tax on every paper document and we said they either had to lower the price or to drop it. They dropped it. But, the thing was we fought about it constantly and we had a lot of boycootting. It was controlling and we didn't like it, so we thought getting rid of it would help solve our problems.
  • The Quartering act

    Well the Quartering act is punishing and consequences.
  • Virginia Stamp Act Resolutions

    first adventure of settelers
  • Declatory act

    An act for the bestter security.
  • The Townshend Revenue act

    It was a tax on glass, paint, lead, oil, paper... They changed their tactics.
  • Boston non-importation act