
Revolutionary War

  • French and Indian war

    French and Indian war
    The war lasted for seven years. First George Washington brought a note to the French from the Britain. That is when the war started. It lasted for seven years of all out war. It started because Britain sent a bad note to the French. Then Great Britain won the battle vs. the French. Then a peace treaty that came out before Great Britain won the war, but the peace treaty didn’t last long.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    February 6, 1765 The stamp act levied taxes on the colonist. So the government could raises money. They included all different kind of material. It passed in February 17, 1765. It didn’t get approved by the lords until March 8th, 1765. When the Great Britain taxed the colonists, it was hard on the colonists.
  • Boston Massacare

    Boston Massacare
    March 5, 1770 The Boston massacre is where there were three lobsterbacks or British soldiers. Then some boys started throwing snowballs at the three British soldiers. Then a crowd gathered and started to taunt the British soldiers. Then the British soldiers fired at the crowd and killed three colonists. Then Paul Revere helped unite against the British soldiers.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    May 10, 1773 The Boston tea party is where the sons of liberty threw tea into the ocean. They dressed as American Indians to fool the British soldiers. The American Indians got in trouble instead of the sons of liberty.
  • Patrick Henry Speech

    Patrick Henry Speech
    March 13, 1775 The speech was about how come they had to pay taxes. He said, “Give me liberty or give me death.” Patrick Henry did the speech in the St. Johns church.