Revenue Acts

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    Sugar Act

    This Act taxed to sugar from the colonies. To get around this the colonists would bribe judges and prosecutors, to get of the hook and keep their ships, even if they got caught. As a result the British sent custom collectors, to make sure the money was collected, but this didn't help.
  • Quartering Act

    This required colonies to fund barracks and living expenses for British troops. The colonies s didn't appreciate this, ant New York even refused, but in response Parliament suspend the New York Assembly's authority, until they complied.
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    Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act made it that any legal documents, were only valid if printed on specific stamped paper. The Colonist didn't like this because it cost a lot more money to have wills made, or to get married. So, the colonists declared it unfair and boycotted it. In response the tax was repealed a year later.
  • Declaratory Act

    This stated that the colonies were subject to British laws and taxes, colonies didn't like this, but didn't seem to heavily protest it. It was enacted by the British in concurrence with the repeal of the Stamp Act. Which may have been why the colonies didn't react as harshly.
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    Townshend Acts

    This act taxed various items such as glass, tea, and other British goods, in order to pay the salaries of Colonial governors. the Colonist didn't like this and protested, and harassed tax collectors. It all culminated in the Boston Massacre, after which the taxes were repealed except for the one on tea.