Renaissance Reformation Timeline

  • Oct 12, 1346


    Gunpowder was a very big invention in this time period because they needed this to make cannons. They used gunpowder for many things including dynamite and other explosive things like cannon balls.
  • Jan 1, 1400


    Food in the renaissance was different depending on your social status. If you were a peasant then you usually ate soup made of leftover scraps and other vegetables.
    (Life in the Renaissance Notes)
  • Feb 21, 1400


    Trade had a lot to do with the renaissance. Trade Made it to where people could travel all over the place and take other cultures back to the place that they came from.
    (Life in the Renaissance Notes)
  • Oct 28, 1400

    Church Pre-Reformation

    Church Pre-Reformation
    The church raised money to make the church higher up in the political ladder. They raised money through practices like simony and they raised money by selling indulgences to gullible people.
    (Martin Luther Notes)
  • Dec 13, 1400


    Education in the early renaissance was mainly focused reading, writing, and math. Most of the education was taught to men and boys because they thought women should just be housewives.
    (Life in the Renaissance Notes)
  • Sep 27, 1406

    Cosimo de' Medici

    Cosimo de' Medici
    He was a very nig patron of the arts. He bought many paintings in his lifetime and he also sold a lot of paintings for other people.'_Medici
  • Feb 21, 1411


    Donatello was a very famous sculptor. He sculpted the statue of David and that became very famous.
  • Jul 14, 1440

    Scientific Discoveries

    Scientific Discoveries
    The printing press was a very big discovery for the renaissance. The printing press was what made Luther's 95 theses spread to other places.
  • Jan 1, 1469

    Lorenzo De' Medici

    Lorenzo De' Medici
    Lorenzo De' Medici was a big collector or antiques and was a patron of the arts. He eventually became the ruler of Florence and this made an even bigger patron.
  • Mar 6, 1475


    Michelangelo was a very famous painter and he painted some of the most famous paintings. One of his most famous paintings was the Sistine chapel ceiling.
  • Jan 1, 1503

    Da' Vinci's Mona Lisa

    Da' Vinci's Mona Lisa
    The Mona Lisa was one of the biggest paintings that Da' Vinci ever did. Before he did this painting he did the Last Supper
  • Jan 1, 1506

    Leonardo da Vinci

    Leonardo da Vinci
    He was the one that painted the Mona Lisa. He revealed his masterpiece painting in 1506.
  • Feb 21, 1509


    Raphael painted the school of Athens he was a very important painter. After he painted the school of Athens he became a very famous painter.
  • Apr 4, 1514

    Church Pre-Reformation

    Church Pre-Reformation
    The church had a lot of corruption before the reformation. They thought that they could control the whole catholic religion with all of the power that they had.
    (Martin Luther Notes)
  • Feb 21, 1517

    Martin Luther and Reformation

    Martin Luther and Reformation
    The Reformation spread to a lot of different countries. It spread by people coming to Italy and them taking back different ideas after they leave.
    (Martin Luther Notes)
  • Jul 15, 1517

    Martin Luther and Reformation

    Martin Luther and Reformation
    Luther said that the only way that you can receive salvation is from justification. which means you have to devote yourself to god to be able to go to heaven.
    (Martin Luther Notes)
  • Aug 12, 1517

    Church Pre-Reformation

    Church Pre-Reformation
    The church had a lot of political conflicts as well. They fought with the kings and the queens on who had more power over the other and the church held more control.
  • Sep 9, 1517

    Martin Luther and Reformation

    Martin Luther and Reformation
    Luther wrote the 95 theses and he posted them to the churches door. He wrote these because he thought that they were not right to sell people indulgences.
    (Martin Luther Notes)
  • Scientific Discoveries

    Scientific Discoveries
    The Microscope was a big discovery in the renaissance. This helped scientists study organisms and this helps them know more about the human race.
  • Inventions

    The flushing toilet was a big invention because this started to let people have cleaner homes. It was one of the best things to ever come to the renaissance.
  • Literary Works

    Literary Works
    Shakespeare was one of the biggest literary artists in the renaissance. He wrote many different poems including Romeo and Juliet.
  • Literary Works

    Literary Works
    Macbeth was a very big book back when the renaissance was still going. He wrote this book with a lot of political context that went into it because the lower people wanted to overtake the kings
  • Inventions

    The submarine was another big invention because this led to the people that had the submarine win wars. This invention helped because this could help scientists study the wonderful world around in the ocean.
  • Literary Works

    Literary Works
    One big literary work was the book that Galileo published. He wrote that the earth was not the center of the universe because the earth rotated around the sun.
  • Scientific Discoveries

    Scientific Discoveries
    Another huge discovery was when Galileo discovered that the earth was not the center of the universe. He said this to the church and the church sentenced him to life on house arrest.