
  • 1300

    Beginning of Renaissance

    Culture - The beginning of the Renaissance in Italy.
  • 1300

    Republican Florence

    Government - Florence was Republic.
  • 1348

    Beginning of the Black Plague

    Event - The Black Plague began to spread in Europe.
  • 1350

    End of Black Plague

    Event - At the end of the Black Plague, it has killed estimate of 25 million people.
  • 1396


    Government - Florence begin to rise to becoming the center of the Renaissance.
  • 1434

    Medici Family

    Government - The Medici family rise to power because of the influence they had.
  • 1450

    Despotism Florence

    Government - Republic Florence end when the Medici Family came in to power becoming a Despotism.
  • 1452

    Leonardo da Vinci

    Event - The Birth of Leonardo da Vinci.
  • 1453

    End of Hundred Year War

    Event - The end of the hundred Year War.
  • 1454

    Gutenberg Bible

    Event - Johannes Gutenberg publish the Gutenberg Bible with the revolutionize printing press.
  • 1485

    Italian travel to Moscow

    Event - Italy master architect help Russia rebuild the Kremlin.
  • 1492

    Columbus reach Bahamas

    Event - Columbus reach the Bahamas.
  • 1492

    Pope Alexander VI

    Event - Rodrigo Borgia was appoint as Pope Alexander VI.
  • 1498

    Last Supper

    Culture - Leonardo da Vinci painted the Last Supper.
  • 1503

    Julius II

    Government - Julius II was appointed pope and brought the start of the Roman Golden Age.
  • 1525

    Battle of Pavia

    Event - The Battle of Pavia ended the war between France and the Holy Roman Empire, ending French rule on Italy
  • 1558

    Elizabeth I

    Government - England Golden Age began when Elizabeth I was crowned.
  • 1572

    St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre of Protestants

    Event - St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre of Protestants took place in France.
  • 1572

    The Lusiads

    Culture - Luis Vaz de Camõs published his epic poem The Lusiads.
  • The Faerie Queen

    Culture - Edmund Spenser publish The Faerie Queen
  • End of Renaissance

    Culture - Ending of Renaissance in Italy.
  • Hamlet

    Culture - William Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.
  • Don Quixote

    Culture - Miguel Cervantes publish Don Quixote.