
  • Blackface

    Blackface was a theatrical musical. Except, making it very different than any other musical, whites used dark shades of makeup to portray a black person. Of course, back then, everyone did not find it offensive. Of course now, it would be very offensive now of days. "The practice gained popularity during the 19th century and contributed to the spread of racial stereotypes such as the "happy-go-lucky darky on the plantation" or the "dandified coon"."
  • President Lincoln's Plan

    President Lincoln's Plan
    Lincoln said that every 10 percent of the people who voted had to swear an oath of loyalty. The formal name of the 10% plan is " Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction"
  • The Sand Creek Massacre

    The Sand Creek Massacre
    The reason The Sand Creek Massacre happened was because different people wanted to be in control of the Great Plains in Colorado.
  • Freedmen's Bureau

    Freedmen's Bureau
    The Freedmen’s Bureau provided food, clothing, jobs, medical
    care, and education for millions of former slaves and poor whites.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." The summary of this Amendment was that all slaves were free
  • Buying of Alaska

    Buying of Alaska
    Russia used Alaska mainly for fur trade. The reason why they wanted to sell it was because of the war outbreaks in the United Kingdom. The USA people did not enjoy this, so they called it “Seward’s Folly” or “Seward’s Icebox”
  • President Johnson's Impeachment

    President Johnson's Impeachment
    They impeached President Johnson because he "replaced generals in the field who were more sympathetic to Radical Reconstruction." Johnson was charged with "Violation of Tenure of Office Act"
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    "The Fourteenth Amendment (Amendment XIV) to the United States Constitution was adopted on July 9, 1868, as one of the Reconstruction Amendments. The amendment addresses citizenship rights and equal protection of the laws and was proposed in response to issues related to former slaves following the American Civil War." This Amendment is saying that anyone born in the United States was a citizen.
  • The Transcontinental Railroad

     The Transcontinental Railroad
    "Six years after work began, laborers of the Central Pacific Railroad from the west and the Union Pacific Railroad from the east met at Promontory Summit, Utah. It was here on May 10, 1869 that Governor Stanford drove the Golden Spike, that symbolized the completion of the transcontinental railroad."
    It took the people who built it so long. They had to build through mountains and other dangerous places. But, it made traveling across the country so much easier.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    "The 15th Amendment to the Constitution granted African American men the right to vote by declaring that the "right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.""
    The 15th Amendment says that all men are allowed to vote, no matter what the race is.
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    Battle of Little Bighorn
    Battle Of Little Big Horn summary: The battle of Little Bighorn occurred in 1876 and is commonly referred to as “Custer's Last Stand”. The battle took place between the U.S. Cavalry and northern tribe Indians, including the Cheyenne, Sioux, and Arapaho."
  • Dawes Act of 1887

    Dawes Act of 1887
    "The Dawes Act of 1887 (also known as the General Allotment Act or the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887), adopted by Congress in 1887, authorized the President of the United States to survey American Indian tribal land and divide it into allotments for individual Indians."
  • Invention of Basketball

    Invention of Basketball
    The well known sport of Basketball was invited by James Naismith is the 1890s. When Naismith was first beginning to invite the well loved sport, he used a fruit basket as the net. Not having it as high as a normal net is now, but it definitely was a popular sport back then as well.
  • The Panic of 1893

    The Panic of 1893
    "The Panic of 1893 was a serious economic depression in the United States that began in that year.[1] Similar to the Panic of 1873, this panic was marked by the collapse of railroad overbuilding and shaky railroad financing which set off a series of bank failures." With the result of the crisis, employers began to adopt the idea of socialism.
  • Congress declared war

    Congress declared war
    Congress declared war because the USS Ship, The Maine, was destroyed by an anonymous attack (later to be figured out by a ammunition mistake). But at the time, we thought Spain sunk our ship, causing us to declare war on them
  • Jim Crow Laws

    Jim Crow Laws
    Souther legislatives came up with laws against blacks. The laws were based off of racial segregation. An example of a Jim Crow law is the "segregation of public schools, public places, and public transportation, and the segregation of restrooms, restaurants, and drinking fountains for whites and blacks."
  • Ellis Island

    Ellis Island
    People came to America from a different assortment of countries because of jobs, religion, freedom, etc. But, to come to America, everyone had to wait in really long lines. Some people reported they had to wait two years to get into America. Everyone had to go through a huge series of questions and health exams to get into America.
  • Ellis Island Exams

    Ellis Island Exams
    When the people were trying to get into America, they had to go through a huge series of exams. Mental exams, health exams, physical exams, and other exams. The one exam that freaks everyone out is the eye exam. Everyone had a huge hook stuck into their eyes. Pulling back the eyelids to see if they did or didn't have an infention
  • The Foraker Act of 1900

    The Foraker Act of 1900
    "On April 2, 1900, U.S. President McKinley signed a civil law that established a civilian government in Puerto Rico. This law was known as the Foraker Act for its sponsor, Joseph Benson Foraker (an Ohio statesman), and also as the Organic Act of 1900. The new government had a governor and an executive council appointed by the President, a House of Representatives with 35 elected members, a judicial system with a Supreme Court, and a non-voting Resident Commissioner in Congress."
  • The 16th Amendment

    The 16th Amendment
    "The 16th amendment is an important amendment that allows the federal (United States) government to levy (collect) an income tax from all Americans. Income tax allows for the federal government to keep an army, build roads and bridges, enforce laws and carry out other important duties." The 16th Amendment was about passing federal income taxes.
  • The Slum Living

    The Slum Living
    Back then, people started to move into the cities. The negative side to the people coming, is that there is not enough room. So the sad solution to this event is that people with lesser money, had to live in slums. Which were overcrowded cities with houses. The houses were the worst. They were called tenements. Tenements
    were overcrowded, dirty and oftentimes had no windows, heat, or indoor bathrooms. Multiple families had to live in just one tenement.
  • Assasination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assasination of Franz Ferdinand
    The assassination of Franz Ferdinand is the main reason WWI started. A Serbian teen named Princip shot and killed Franz and his wife through the streets of Sarajevo. Ferdinand had not been particularly well liked in aristocratic circles
  • The Zimmerman Telegraph

    The Zimmerman Telegraph
    The Zimmerman Telegram is the main reason on why the US went to war. was a secret diplomatic communication issued from the German Foreign Office in January 1917 that proposed a military alliance between Germany and Mexico in the prior event of the United States entering World War I against Germany.
  • Picketing of the White House for Women’s Rights

    Picketing of the White House for Women’s Rights
    The National Womens Party started to picket the White House on January 10th. They did this to get Wilson’s attention on trying to get their right to vote. They also were trying to expose Wilson in different ways
  • The Outbreak of the Influenza Disease

    The Outbreak of the Influenza Disease
    The influenza disease killed more people than the war did. “The influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 killed more people than the Great War, known today as World War I (WWI), at somewhere between 20 and 40 million people. It has been cited as the most devastating epidemic in recorded world history.”
  • Wilson’s 14 Point Plan

    Wilson’s 14 Point Plan
    The Fourteen Points was a statement of principles for peace that was to be used for peace negotiations in order to end World War I. The principles were outlined in a January 8, 1918 speech on war aims and peace terms to the United States Congress by President Woodrow Wilson.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    "World War I officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919. Negotiated among the Allied powers with little participation by Germany, its 15 parts and 440 articles reassigned German boundaries and assigned liability for reparations. After strict enforcement for five years, the French assented to the modification of important provisions."
  • Speakeasies

    Speakeasies came up during the time when prohibition came to the US. Speakeasies were illegal bars, selling illegal alcohol to people. To come into speakeasies, people had to use a certain password to enter, because of the anxieties of police finding out
  • The start up of Moonshine

    The start up of Moonshine
    Moonshine started to arose during the time of prohibition. The reason why it is called Moonshine is because since having the possession of alcohol is illegal, men would go in the middle of night and make the illegal liquor. It gets it name because they would make it under the moonlight.
  • The Flapper

    The Flapper
    Flappers were women in the 1920s who were rebellious. They would shorten their skirts, bobbed their hair, listened to jazz, drank, smoked, and gave up their virginity before marriage. They were the rebellious look that certain women wanted to achieve
  • The 18th Amendment

    The 18th Amendment
    The 18th Amendment was completed on January 16th, 1919. But it would actually start being used on January 17th, 1920. The 18th Amendment states, "The Eighteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution effectively established the prohibition of alcoholic beverages in the United States by declaring the production, transport, and sale of alcohol (though not the consumption or private possession) illegal."
    To sum up the Amendment, it means that no one could be in possession of alcohol
  • The 19th Amendment

    The 19th Amendment
    "The Nineteenth (19th) Amendment to the United States Constitution granted women the right to vote, prohibiting any United States citizen to be denied the right to vote based on sex. It was ratified on August 18, 1920 after a long struggle known as the women's suffrage movement." The 19th Amendment allows women to have the right of the voting.
  • The Hoover Dam

    The Hoover Dam
    On March of 1931, the Hoover Dam was in construction. The dam got its name because of President Hoover. The Hoover Dam was made to become a key unit for Colorado. It is a "major supplier of hydroelectric power and provides for flood control, river regulation, and improved navigation."
  • The Bonus Army

    The Bonus Army
    The Bonus Army was a letter that basically said that those who fought in the war were going to get a good amount of money for risking their lives for the country. Well, thats not true. The veterans of the previous war came home to nothing. A lot of veterans were living on the street due to their lack of money, which was promised by the Bonus Army Act
  • The Election of 1932

    The Election of 1932
    On November 8th, 1932, The American people were blaming President Hoover for the corruption of the American economy. So whenever Franklin D. Roosevelt ran for President, the American people NEEDED him. The finishing vote was very astounding. FDR got 472 electoral votes, while Hoover only got 59. Hoover only had 6 states vote for him and FDR had 44 states.
  • The 21st Amendment

    The 21st Amendment
    The 21st Amendment basically said that the law about Prohibition would not be a law anymore because of how much crime arose because of how much people needed their alcohol
  • The Start of WWII

    The Start of WWII
    It all began when the German army decided to take over the country of Poland on September 1st, 1939. After this, France was taken over by Germany. Some may think that Britain was fighting alone, but they were not. They had allies, like: Canada, Australia, and South Africa. The USA helped them by supplying goods to the soldiers trying to redeem some of their countries back.
  • The End of The Great Depression

    The End of The Great Depression
    The Great Depression did actually end until World War II. But, it DID end because the American people got involved in the war began to adopt new and different jobs for the American people to have. This also helped reduce employment destruction. And the economy finally started to get back up and got back to its "normal" state.
  • The Attack on Pearl Harbor

    The Attack on Pearl Harbor
    On December 7th, 1941, at 7:55 am, a large group of Japanese pilots flew into Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. Japanese airplanes made a surprise attack on the US Navy. They destroyed many ships and killed a ton of U.S. soldiers. This was the main reason why we were led into World War II.
  • Holocaust and its Acknowledgment

    Holocaust and its Acknowledgment
    In 1942, people around were starting to finally believe that Concentration camps were an actual, physical thing. No one believed it at first because, who would do such a thing to humans?
    Holocausts were known as Shoah. It was a large genocide during the time of World War II. The evil man that created the deathly Holocausts was Adolf Hitler, he killed over six million Jews in these times.
  • D-Day (Day-Day)

    D-Day (Day-Day)
    On June 6th, 1944, D-Day or Day-Day was the biggest land-sea-air operation in all of history. The Allied Forces of Britain, America, Canada, and France attacked German forces on the coast of Normandy, France. The force of over 150,000 soldiers, the Allies attacked and gained a victory that became the turning point for World War II in Europe.
  • Hitlers Suicide

    Hitlers Suicide
    On April 30th, 1945, Adolf Hitler and his newly wedded wife, Eva Braun-Hitler killed themselves. Hitler gave Eva poison, in which she took, and he shot himself. There are many theories that Hitler is STILL alive and is hiding somewhere. The Soviets found two burned bodies where the Hitlers were. But only one of the bodies was identified as a female. So people suspect that that body is Eva, but the other body was never identified.
  • V-E Day

    V-E Day
    On May 8th, 1945, V-E Day became one of the biggest victories in American history. V-E stands for Victory in Europe. This was the day that Nazi Germany surrendered. General Eisenhower accepted the unconditional surrender of the Third Reich
  • The Iron Curtain

    The Iron Curtain
    The Iron Curtain was an imaginary border diving Europe. It divided Eurpe into two separate areas. It started when World War II was jus about to come to an end in 1945. And it kept on going till the very end of the Cold War in 1991. The Iron Curtain basically symbolizes the effort brought by the Soviet Union. They did this to block itself from an open contact to those that were in the West and the non-Soviets.
  • Start of The Cold War

    Start of The Cold War
    The Cold War started because the Americans and the Soviet Union did not where they stood and what they believed. America thought that the Soviets expansion would continue and would attack on everyone and they also saw the Soviets as a huge threat. While the Soviets thought they had won WWII. They lost so much people and they thought they should earn all of the fortune they deserve. They wanted to raid different places, especially Eastern Europe
  • The Truman Doctrine

    The Truman Doctrine
    The Truman Doctrine was a foreign policy from America. It was announced to Congress by President Truman. Its main purpose was to "counter Soviet geopolitical expansion during the Cold War." It was further developed later on in July of 1948 because he wanted to contain the threats to Greece and Turkey. Truman had spent $400 million on war supplies to Greece to fight out Communism.
  • The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan
    The Marshall Plan, or the official name, the European Recovery Program, was a way for the American people to help aid those in the West side of Europe. The USA gave those in Europe over $13,000,000,000. The plan was to help rebuild Western Europe from the war
  • The Geneva Peace Accords

    The Geneva Peace Accords
    On July 26th, 1954, The Geneva Peace Accords was signed. It was signed by France and Vietnam. It had the temporary partition of Vietnam and the 17th parallel. The two zones separated was the northern zone and the southern zone. The north was governed by the Viet Minh rebels. While the south was governed under the State of Vietnam and the former emperor, Bảo Đại.
  • Start of The Vietnam War

    Start of The Vietnam War
    On November 1st, 1955, The start of the Vietnam War was born. America had gotten into this war because they did not want the act of Communism to spread to America. America helped pay for the war that the French had fought when going against Communist Vietnam. They did this because of what the Truman Doctrine stated, "to help free peoples to maintain their free institutions and their national integrity against … totalitarian regimes."
  • December 1961 White Paper

    December 1961 White Paper
    In December of 1961, President John F. Kennedy sent a troop of people to go see how the conditions in the south were and how our people were holding up in Vietnam. The "White Paper" "argued for an increase in military, technical, and economic aid. It was had the introduction of large-scale American 'advisers' to help stabilize the Diem regime and crush the NLF." -Ms. Galloway's PowerPoint
  • The Day JFK was Assassinated

    The Day JFK was Assassinated
    On November 22nd, 1963, John F. Kennedy, his wife, Jackie Kennedy, John Connally, and his wife, were driving through the streets on Dallas, Texas. That city was not too fond of JFK, so he thought going down to Dallas would be a good idea. It was a good idea so the public could see him, meet him, and learn more about him. But on that day, three shots fired. One hitting Kennedy straight in the back. The other shot him in the face, and third completely missed. One bullet also hit John Connally.
  • Trans Alaska pipeline31

    Trans Alaska pipeline31
    The pipeline carries an average of 1.8 million barrels of oil a day.
    It was built by the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company. That group of people was made up of seven different oil companies. “It is buried in some areas except where there is permafrost, then the pipeline is above ground.” The pipeline was built in a zigzag pattern so that it becomes flexible if needed, like during an earthquake or tornado