Reagan and the end of the cold war

  • Liberals ideas

    Liberals ideas
    During the 1960s, Liberals ideas dominated American politics. These people belived that the government should regulate the economy to protect the individuals.
  • Period: to


  • conservatives Ideas

    conservatives Ideas
    the Conservative movement rose during the 1970s; unlike Liberals, these people distrust the power of the gov't. They viewed the fight against communism in religious way, this led to the creation of the New Right supported by Jerry Falwell and the Moral Majority.
  • Space Shutle

    Space Shutle
    As a result of the fight against communism, the US government, throught NASA, constructed space shuttle fleet to explore space.
  • election of Ranold Reagan

    election of Ranold Reagan
    Reagan won against Carter; and faced economic problems. He proposed a theory know as the Supply Side Economy, cristics called this the "Reaganomics"or the Trickle Down Economic theory.Reagan applied his conservative views and his strict interpretation of the constitution by nominating Sandra O'Connor as the first woman on the Supreme Court.
  • SDI

    Reagan didn't support the Mutual Assured Destruction(MAD). He said that the US need to find a way to defend itself if a nuclear war was ever started. Reagan propposed the SDI or Star War in 1983, This program created weapons that could destry incomming missiles.
  • re-election of Ranold Reagan

    re-election of Ranold Reagan
    Reagan succeeded with the econmic and became very popular and was re-elected against Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro, the fisrt women to run for vice president for a major party. Reagan won 60% percent of the popular vote and almost all of the electoral votes.
  • Iran-Contra Affair

    Iran-Contra Affair
    Reagan was involved in the Iran-Contra Affair, where his administration was secretly selling weapons to Iraq whot was considered a supporter of terrorism, in exchange for American hostage in the Middle East.The profits of the sales were then sent to the contras.
  • Gobachev

    Gorbachev became the leade rof the Soviet, He believed that his country should to reform its economy instead of competing in the arms race. He started the Perestroika which allowed some private enterprise and profit-making. Another program was Glasnost which allowed more freedom of speech and religion; this started the abandoned of communism in the Eastern Europe.
  • Challenger Exploded

    Challenger Exploded
    Due to the space ships constructed by NASA, the US was able to place many satellies including the the Hubble Space Telescope and do some experiements; but in 1986 the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded 73 seconds after liftoff.
  • INF

    Reagan and Gorbachev sign the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) in Washington. It removes more than 2,600 medium-range nuclear missiles from Europe.
    Poland holds its first free elections and he Solidarity (labor) Party beats the Communists.
  • Fall of Berlin Wall

    Fall of Berlin Wall
    When the wall fell it ended the Cold War. Communism was no more in Eastern Europe,which was the purpose of the US. It was significant to the Berlin people, particularly those in East Berlin, because when the wall went up, it cut off East Berliners' only chance of escape to a better life apart from Communistic rule. West Berlin was quickly becoming one of the best European cities once again, while East Berlin had gone downhill drastically: economically, spiritually, and politically.
  • End of Cold War

    End of Cold War
    Apart from the Fall of Berlin wall, in December 1991, Gorbachev announced the end of the Soviet Union which signaled the end of the cold war.Through a series of treaties and agreements, the U.S. and Russia have begun to reduce the numbers of nuclear warheads each possesses,and people in Nebraska, the U.S. and Russia could begin to act as if they no longer had atomic bombs aimed at them. But the world still presents challenges.