Printing press

Reading Revolution: Intensive to Extensive

  • Period: 300 to Aug 30, 600

    From Scroll to Codex

    *300 A.D.-6th Century "Enabled by the shift from papyrus to parchment to paper". The folded codex gradually overtook the rolled scroll as the chosen way of printing and transporting text.
  • Period: 401 to 500

    Engelsing and The Communications balance

    *Month and day not reflective
  • Aug 30, 1440

    The Johannes Gutenberg Printing Press

    In 1440 Gutenberg introduces moveable type in Europe. While the monetary gains were few, the advent of the printing press was the first in a chain of events that revolutionized the way people absorbed information. *Actual month and day are a matter of dispute.
  • Period: to

    The Scientific Revloution

    For the first time in history the scientific revolution offered readers the oppertunity to read identical text, bridging the gaps of a highly fragmented Europe and creating a sense of community.
  • Period: to

    The Industrial Revolution

    *Month and date not reflective
  • Walter Benjamin and New Media

    *Month and day not reflective
  • Period: to

    The Digital Age

    *Months and dates not Reflective
  • 10 Reading Revolutions Before E-Books

  • An Alphabet is Born

    *800 B.C.
    *No particular date is available The Greeks, pulling from prior civilizations invent a standardized alphabet that united and minimized communication issues between cultures.