

  • First electronic spreadsheet

    First electronic spreadsheet
    LANPAR was the first electronic spreadsheet. LANPAR was invented in order to make re-writing software of programs quicker than before.
  • UNIX Operating System

    UNIX Operating System
    The UNIX operating system consists of tools and computer operating functions. The UNIX operating system is made up of a kernel, shell, note, file system, development environment, commands, and documentation.
  • PC

    PC stands for personal computer and was invented by Ed Roberts. The first PC was called the Altair.
  • Altair

    The Altair was the first personal computer invented. The Altair kit was initially sold for $397.
  • CRAY-1

    CRAY-1 was a supercomputer made by Cray research. The first CRAY-1 supercomputer is located at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
  • Apple

    Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak released the first Apple computer. However, Apple computers did not become popular until the Apple 2 computer was released about a year later.
  • Macintosh

    Macintosh is Apple’s version of a PC, or personal computer. Steve Jobs invented it. It was the first mass sold/produced PC with a GUI and a mouse.
  • Windows

    Bill Gates and Paul Allen made a decision to make software for the Altair computer called Windows. Later on, they went on to make the company Microsoft.