PRuelas APUSH Timeline

By Pewe
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    Zenger trials

    zenger trialsPeter zenger, dissatsified with colomial governer, decided to write about him in a newspaper he wrote, under the pseudonym CATO, he was arrested on november 17, and was in jail for 8 months awaiting trial, his lawyer Andrew Hamiton was good, and had him found as not guilty by the jury
  • albany congress

    albany congress In June of 1754, representatives from seven colonies met with 150 Iroquois Chiefs in Albany, New York. this was ment to secure an alliance with the iroquois to help fight the french, and a colonial alliance as outlined by benjamin franklin
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    seven years war

    seven years warfrench and indian war: 1754-1763, it was fought for the control of the ohio valley.this was a war fought by the french and indians, vs the british. the holy roman empire also declared war on Prussia. Britain was the victor in land sea, and in colonies, and it won most. they expelled the french from America, temporarily
  • Treaty of paris

    treaty of paris
    this was a treaty sign by france, britain, and spain after 3 years of negotiations, that ended the seven years war. Britain obtained a lot of previosuly french owned land also the mississippi river and also, yet the french retained the rights to fish in the gulf near st. Lawrence. they also got florida from spain. canadians received limited freedom of worship
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    Pontiac's rebellion

    Pontiac's rebellion
    chief pontiac of the ottawa led an attack on the fort Detroit. many tribes raided english settlements, but the tribes quickly lost, they were overrun without ammo, they couldn't resupply. the rebellion ended in autumn of 1764 by colonel bradstreet, and colonel bouquet
  • sugar act

    BOOK : the sugar act was an act that gave a duty, or tariff, on sugar that was inported. this led to higher sugar prices, and also stricter customs procedure, and unfair trials against those who smuggled.
  • Stamp act

    BOOK: the stamp act was an act that required taxing of legal documents and other pieces of paper, this sparked outrage as the britihs wanted to use virtual representation, whcih repersents people as a whole, the colonists created a slogan," no taxation without representation".
  • repeal of the stamp act

    repeal of the stamp act after only four months of protesting the british gave up, and repealled the stamp act, and replaced it with the delcaratory act
  • Declaratory act

    declaratory act the declaratory act was passed right after the stamp act was removed, and it prohibited the colonies from passing laws, this was a show to state that they could do what they wanted, trying to make the colonies more dependant to the crown, yet it united colonies even more.
  • Boston massacre

    Boston massacre 8 red coats were surounded by hundreds of protesters and were geting asualted, so they shot into a crowd and killed 5 people, and wounding many others
  • Tea act

    Book: the tea act was an act that made the tea produced by the east india company cheaper than that of the dutch, even with the included tax. this was done since it was almost bankrupt. the colonist were still not fully satisfied since it still included tax, but it was a step in the right direction
  • boston tea party

    boston tea party
    protesters to the unjust taxing of british tea decided to take action, they did this by spilling a large load of tea into the harbor in boston. they did so dressed as indians, and it wasnt the tea, but the tax, they liked tea, but the tax was not consented tax, so this was therer was of protest
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    first continental congress

    first continental congressfirst continental congress representatives from all colonies except georgia met to protest teh intolerable acts. they decided to cut off trade with great britain until they abolished the acts and encouraged colonists in learning to fight in war
  • intolerable acts 2

    all government positions were to be appointed by the kibng or the governer and only one town meeting per year
    Adminstration of justice act:
    allowed the kning to bring people that offended laws to ther colonies or even to great britian. it was not believed to be neccessary and thought to be used to harass colonists.
    Quatering act:
    colonists had to provide housing and food for british troops, but now it was allowed for them to be used in peoples houses
    Quebec act:fear of cath. and gov in quebec
  • Intolerable acts

    intolerable acts
    two books were written by university presses and another was valued new at +$280, and that was the whole bibliography:
    Boston Port Act
    : the port in boston was closed until all of boston repaid for the tea that was destroyed , and that there be order and cooperation
    massachussetts government act:
    almost of position in the government were to be appointed by the king or the governer, and only one town meeting a year
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    second continental congress

    books sold by reputable dealers appointed george washington as the general of the newly found continental army. and on november 15 1777, they passed the articles of confederation to the states for ratification, which took three years
  • battle of bunker hill

    battle of bunker hill
    a battle in hte boston harbor between british troops and the american continental army. although the american troops lost, it hsowed how teamwork could actually hold up agaisnt and army much larger than they. 1150 wounded/killed compared to 450 wounded/ killed for americans
  • olive branch petition

    loive branch petition
    document stating that the colonist didnt like ministirial policy, but didnt mind the king himself, this document was wrtten by john dickinson. yet this beleif changed when the king refused to read the letter, so they didnt like parliment or the king when the declaration of indepence was written
  • fort ticonderoga

    fort ticonderoga
    this fort, loccated next to the waterway connecting new france with american colonies, it is the sight of hte american colonies first win
  • battle of lexington and concord

    lexington and concord the battle of lexington and concord was fought between british troops and colonial militiamen. the british were on their way to seize a weapons cache when they started a battle and the british lost. this also kickstarted the revolutionary war
  • common sense by thmoas paine

    common sense
    his pamphlet was replicated over and over agian, he obtained fame from it. it urged everyone to support indepence as a moral obligation to america
  • declaration of independence

    declaration of indepedence
    this was a document written by thomas jeffereson and signed by the representatives of the states stating that they declared independence from great britian, and were no longer fighting for their rights, but for their freedom
  • battle of long island

    battle of long island
    this battle swas fought only a month after the declaration of independence and was possibly the biggest conflict overall. at the time the american army was not at all united and as a result lost, even after retreating and regrouping several times
  • virginia declaration of rights

    virginia declaration of rights
    sources include the library of congress
    a 16 article document focusing on the rights that people possess such as unalienable rights, power of gov. and religion.
  • bill for establishing religious freedom

    religous tolerence
    this bill states how religion is a free will and is up to whomever observes it, and that denying it is denying freedom, giving people the natural right to worship whatever or whomever
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    the battle of saratoga

    battle of saratoga
    this was a drastic win for the americans as they succesfully defeated a large army without signifaicant loss, also encouraging many countries such as france to ally with america and is known as the turning point in the rev. war
  • valley forge

    troops in valley forged went through lots of hardship, from poor living conditions, to horrible diets, and no clothes or sanatation.
  • ratification of articles of confederation

    it took longer than it was previously anticapated to, since virginai and maryland were not fully agreeable with one another, yet it was passed as the governing document, focusing on freedom and self government
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    battle of yorktown

    battle of yorktown
    this is the last major battle in the revolutionary war period. in fact george washington even fired the first gun to start the battle, and was aided by a smallpox outbreak near the british stronghold, afterwards, all the british were taken prisoners
  • treaty of paris

    treaty of paris
    freedom, as well as dfined borders, fishing rights, legality of debt, and return of taken land were all part of the treaty.
  • land ordinace of1785

    land ordinance of 1785
    this was a set of guidelines as to how the land of the colonies was to be divided. 6x6 mile squares divided into 36 parts and then divided again, selling at auction for no less than a $1 and acre
  • northwest ordinance of 1787

    northwest ordidnance
    this stated that westward expansion was going to happen, as it was not allowed, and now many people like land, they want more.
  • first inauguration of george washington

    first inauguration
    Every presidential ceremony was first administered here. he was even greeted by proud towns people, and a 13 gun salute, america had its first president.