proyecto de W.H.

  • germany

    the street where quiet many germans not care nazi regime many feared disaster
  • britain

    the first sustained use of civilian bombing began in early september londoners took the first heavy blows
  • the atomic bomb

    this idea was not taken seriously until world war ll the fear that the germans might make an atomic bomb convinced the U.S. goverment to try a development one first
  • germany

    the british failed to learn from their own esperience , however. on may 31 1942 cologne became the first germany city to be attcked by a thousand bombers
  • the soviet union

    the initial defeats of the soviet union led to drastic emergency measures that affected the lives of the civilian population.
  • the united states

    the home front in the united states was quite different from that of the other major powers
  • japan

    the bombing of civilians reached a new level with the use of the first atomic bomb
  • rivarly in europe

    ester europe whas the first fiert area of disagreement
  • the truman doctrine

    president harry S truman of usa alarmed by the british whithdrawal and posibility of soviet expansion
  • the marshall plan

    the truman doctrine was followed in june 1947 by the european recovery program
  • the division of germany

    the fate of germany also became a source of hated contention between the soviets and the west
  • new military aliances

    the search for segurity during the cold war led to the formation of new military alianses
  • the arms race

    the soviet union had set of its first atomic bomb in 1949
  • a wall in berlin

    nikita khrushchev who emerged as the new leader of the soviet union in 1955 tried to take adventage of the american