Ww2 76

Progression of u.s ww II

By Dunnjd
  • Axis power formed

    Axis power formed
    Germany italy japan signed a mutual defense treaty. tripartite pact united states enimies were formed,
  • Roosevelt unpresidented third term

    Roosevelt unpresidented third term
    roosevelt is elected as a third term as a president an never had it happen before. he won the election because the people trusted his leadership when he got envolved. there was very little difference between roosevelt an willkie.
  • Roosevelt lend lease plan

    Roosevelt lend lease plan
    britian ran out of cash for military suppiles. as a way around intriality act an fdr decides to loan great britian supplies they need.the united states is clearly taking sides with lend lease program.
  • Supporting stalin

    Supporting stalin
    hitler breaks the non agression act an invades the soviet union. so united states sends aid supply to the soviet union. united states is once again taking sides
  • signing of the atlantic charter

    signing of the atlantic charter
    fdr an churchhill are meeting on the u.s aggusta to discuss the outcome of the war. an they came up with a joint deceration war amis called the altantic charter. an the goals were freedom of the seas. collective security, self determination, disarment, economic cooperation. an the united states is clearly taking sides with britian.
  • Shoot on sight policy

    Shoot on sight policy
    german submarine destroyed the pink star boat an if you see a german submarine boat shoot it on sight. an now the americans are acting agressivly on this act.
  • Japan attacks pearl haebor

    Japan attacks pearl haebor
    japan wants to expand an control all of east asia as a result the unied states stop trading oil with japan. japan stops peace talks with the united states. also the japanes dive bomber swooped low over pearl harbor an destroyed the largest u.s naval base in the pacfic. in less than two hours the japanse had 2,403 amercains and wounded 1,178 more