Progression of US Involvement in WWI

By ckruta
  • The Axis Threat

    The Axis Threat
    Gemany, Italy, and Japan signed a mutual defense tresty known as the Tripartite Pact and it kept the United States out of the war.
  • FDR Unpresidented 3rd Term

    FDR Unpresidented 3rd Term
    FDR was running against Wendell Willkie. There was little difference in what they stood for so everyone just voted for the one they knew best and FDR was reelected. FDR was elected partly because of his leadership that could be seen as a positive during the war.
  • Lend-Lease Plan

    Lend-Lease Plan
    Britian had no more money to spend in arsenal of democracy and Roosevelt suggested a new plan and Congress passed the Lend-Lease Act. This Act would allow the president to lend or lease arms and supplies to any countries defense that was vital to the United States.
  • The US Helps Stalin

    The US Helps Stalin
    Hilter broke the agreement between Stalin not to go to war or invade the Soviet Union. As a result, Roosevelt sent the lend-lease aid to Stalin. This caused Salin to side with the US and go aginst Hitler.
  • Signing of the Atlantic Charter

    Signing of the Atlantic Charter
    FDR and Winston Churchill met aboard the battleship the USS Augusta to discuss the outcome of the war. There they signed the Atlantic Charter was a declaration of aims and goals that included collective security, diarmament, self-determination, economic cooperation, and freedom of the seas. We support the allies against the Axis Powers.
  • US Strikes Back

    US Strikes Back
    After the the US destroyer Greer was fired upon by a German submarine, Roosevelt told the navy to fire back at the German submarine. It caused German to sink two other US ships that killed many and the senate repealed the ban aginst arming merchant ships. This would casue a full scale war.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    Japan attacked US Pearl Harbor that killed thousands and injured many. This attacked caused the US to declare war on Japan and a few days later Germany and Italy declared war on the US.