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Progression of Labor to birth

  • Beginning labor

    Beginning labor
    Women begin to feel what is called lightening. Lightening occurs when the baby settles deep in the pelvis, near the time of birth.
  • Period: to

    Progression of Labor to Birth

  • early signs of labor

    early signs of labor
    The bloody show refers to the few drops of blood or a pinkish vaginal stain that occurs when the muscus that plugs the uterus during pregnancy dessolves.
    A contration or the tightening or releasing of the muscles of the uterus.
    Water breaking; when the mother feels a gush of warm fluid from the vagina.
  • The first stage of labor

    The first stage of labor
    The first stage of labor officialy begins when contractions are occuring at regular intervals.
    The cervix dialates.
    The cervix slowly gets thinner and softer.
    To cope with these contractions, women use breathing techniques.
    The first stage ends with transition. Transittion is when the cervix is fully dialated.
  • The second stage of Labor

    The second stage of Labor
    Contracitons are more productive
    Contrations push baby through the pelvis and out of vagina
    Women can now push
    Hormone called relaxin allows tissue to stretch like rubber bands
    Baby is born
  • The Third stage in Labor

    Mother may rest shortly now
    Contractions are still there, but not painful
    These contrations push out the placenta