Printers Then and Now

  • 1439

    printing press

    the printing press is considered to be the most revolutionary inventions in the history of the printing industry, it was invented in Germany by a goldsmith named Johann Gutenberg in 1439
  • Steam printing press

    the design of the printing press remained largely unchanged until the 1800's when a press made completely of cast of iron was constructed. this new press reduced the force required to print by approximately 90% while doubling the size of the print size. this new design was relatively slow producing only 250 prints per hour.
  • Fax Machines

    Fax Machines are used to transmit copies of documents via telephone network. similar electronic transmission technology has been around since the mid to late 1800's in a crude form, but modern fax machines date back to the 1970's.
  • Dye-sublimation printers

    Dye-sublimation printers are usual in producing photo-quality prints. The process works by moving heat to ribbon with three colored panels and a clear overcoat layer (cyan, magenta, yellow, overcoat layer.) the heated solid state dye turns into a gas,and it bonds to the printing material.
  • Xerox Model A

    The first photocopiers were invented in the 1940's by a man named Chester Carlson. Carlson and a team of researchers later patented the term xerography, which is the process used to create copies with the photocopier. Then the Xerox corporation was born, and the first ever Xerox machine was called the Model A, which was a manually operated commercial printer. The Model A was difficult to operate, and it required an incredible 39 step process to produce one copy.
  • HP Laser jet

    this type of printer is common in today's workplace and is becoming increasingly common in people's homes as well. the reason that laser printers are so popular is because they produce high quality prints and a very fast rate.