Prenatal Timeline

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    Preimplantation Period: Week One: Fertilization

    **Conception --> Fertilization **Conception: Ovum + Sperm = Zygote (Fertilized Egg) **During Fertilization: Final Stages of Meiosis in Ovum = Diploid 46 Chromosomes = Haploid 23 Chromosomes = Karyotype **After Fertilization: Zygote undergoes Mitosis (tissue growth/regeneration) = Initial Cleavage = Morula --> Zygote becomes a Blastocyst
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    Preimplantation Period: End of Week One: Implantation

    Preimplantation Period: End of Week One: Implantation
    ***Blastocyst (Former Zygote) has Stopped Traveling for Implantation ***Blastocyst is Embedded in the Prepared Endometrium (Uterus's Innermost Lining on Back Wall) ***At the moment, Blastocyst Layers are: Peripheral Cells, Trophoblast, Small Number of Embryonic/Embryoblast Cells **Trophoblast Layer ---> Important Tissue (Prenatal)
    *Embryoblast Layer --> Embryo during Prenatal Period then Embryonic Period
  • Embryonic Period: More on the Second Week

    Embryonic Period: More on the Second Week
    ***Certain Physiologic Process = Patterning = Key to the Further Developmental Processes ***Physiologic/Developmental Process: Induction, Proliferation, Differentiation, Morphogenesis, and Maturation = Implanted Blastocyst = Embryo
  • Embryonic Period: Second Week

    Embryonic Period: Second Week
    **Proliferation: Blastocyst grows (Increased Embryonic Cells)
    *Differentiation: Changes in Cellular Morphogenesis (Every Bump, Ridge, and Recess) **Increased Embryonic Cells = Embryonic Cell Layers (Germ Layers)
    Bilaminar Embryonic Disc = A Flattened Three-Dimensional - Circular Plate of Bilayerd Cells
    Bilaminar Embryonic Disc contains: Superior Epiblast Layer (High Columnar Cells) and Inferior Hypoblast Layer (Small Cuboidal Cells)
    *Placenta Forms
  • Embryonic Period: Third Week

    Embryonic Period: Third Week
    Beginning of Third Week:
    Primitive Streak forms within Bilaminar Disc
    Migratory Cells = Mesoderm (Embryonic CT) and Endoderm = Epiblast Layer now is considered Ectoderm
    **Bilaminar Embryonic Disc = Trilaminar Embryonic Disc = Cephalic End (head) and Caudal (tail) [Neural Plate is a central band between]
    Middle of Third Week:
    CNS develops
    Ectoderm = Neuroectoderm =
    Neural Plate thickens = Neural Groove
    *Near the End of Third Week:
    Neural Groove deepens and Neural Folds surround
  • Embryonic Period: Fourth Week

    Embryonic Period: Fourth Week
    **Trilaminar Embryonic Disc undergoes Embryonic Folding -Anterior/Cephalic and Lateral (Proper Placement of Forming Tissue Types)
    Movement of Embryonic Layers from Oropharyngeal Membrane to Cloacal Membrane - Future Digestive Tract Foregut, Midgut, and Hindegut)
    Anterior = Foregut = Primitive Pharynx
    Posterior = Midgut and Hindegut = Mature Pharynx
    *Face/Neck Form = Primitive Eyes, Ears, Nose, Oral Cavity, and Jaw
  • Embryonic Period: Forth Week: Facial Developments

    Embryonic Period: Forth Week: Facial Developments
    **Disintegration of Oropharyngeal Membrane of Stomodeum --> Primitive Pharynx Access to Primitive Mouth
    Mandibular Processes Fuse --> Mandibular Arch --> Mandibular and Lower Lip --> Labial Commissures
    Frontonasal Process Forms --> Nasal: Pits, Placodes, Medial/Lateral Processes, and Intermaxillary Segments --> Nose and Primary Plate
    Maxillary Processes Fuse with Medial Nasal Process --> Upper Lip
    *The Stomodeum's each side of Mandibular Arch's --> Maxillary Process Forms
  • Embryonic Period: Fifth Week

    ***Intermaxially Segment Forms --> Primary Palate ***Differentiate = Mesoderm = Primitive Muscle Cells in Mandibular Arch
  • Embryonic Period: Sixth Week

    Embryonic Period: Sixth Week
    ***Beginning of Sixth Week:
    Bilateral Maxillary Processes --> Two Palatal Shelves - Vertical Growth --> Shelves Flip Up - Horizontal Position --> Secondary Palate ***Upper Lip Formation = Maxillary Processes Fuse with Medial Nasal Processes
  • Embryonic Period: Seventh Week

    **Differentiate --> Mesoderm Muscle Cells from the Hyoid Arches --> Mandibular Arches
    *Completion --> Upper Lip Formation --> Fusion of Medial Nasal and Maxillary Processes Complete
  • Embryonic Period: Eighth Week

    **Completed: Nasolacrima Groove, Phitrum, Upper Lip, and Lower Jaw
    Pigment in Eyes Develop
    *Flex in Wrist and Elbows
  • Fetal Period

    Fetal Period
    Third Month through Ninth Month