pre civil war

  • Hairret Tubman

    Hairret Tubman
    She was an enslaved person who used the underground and to escape and helped the people escaped.
  • Fugitive Slave Act of 1850

    Fugitive Slave Act of 1850
    The election of 1860 was a pivotal point in the years leading the civil war.
  • Uncle toms cabin

    Uncle toms cabin
    Harriet Beecher is a book about life as a salve has opened about the life of a slave
  • The Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)

    The Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)
    Originally proposed by Stephen Douglas in 1853 the act was published through 1854.
  • Dred scott v. sandford

    Dred scott v. sandford
    Dred Scott decision threatened to change the political landscape that almost prevented the civil war the classification of slave
  • South Carolina Secedes

    South Carolina Secedes
    Fort Sumter had troops station there. The Confederate troops were cut off their supplies.
  • Abraham Lincoln vs Douglas

    Abraham Lincoln vs Douglas
    In 1858, Democratic Senator Stephen Douglas faced a challenge for his seat from a relatively unknown.
  • John Brown's Raid

    John Brown's Raid
    John Brown led a small band of supporters to attack Ferry Happer to enslave people
  • Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln was from the northern part of the country and wanted to put an end to slavery. The southern states didn't want him as president.
  • Confederate States of America

    Confederate States of America
    The confederate state United States of America was a collection of 11 states.