Post-War World

  • Tehran Conference

    +European Advisory Commision ("BIg Three")
    +germany should be fragmented
    +cessions in territory, then split into occupation zones administered by US, GB and Soviet Union
    +Together as Allied Control Council administering Berlin
    +moving germanys eastern border westward
    +france also wants occupation zone (from gb + us)
  • Morgenthau Plan

    +published some day in september
    +plan by henry morgenthau, us secretary of treasury
    +demilitiazation and deindustralization of germany
    +turn germany into a mere agricultural state
    +it was picked up by german gouvernment to inspire last-effort fighting, since germans obv didn't like that plan
  • Yalta Conference

  • Roosevelt's death

  • Berlin Declaration

    +WW2 allies assume SUPREME Power over germany
  • Potsdam Conference

    +5Ds and 3 Rs:
    +Denazification: destroy NSDAP and its institutions
    +Democratization: local democratic self-gouvernment
    +Decentralization: of administration and economy
    +Decartelization: destruction of state-run buisness and monopolies
    +Reeducation: Democratization/denazification
    +Reparations: ohh this again lol
    +Resettlement: Germans in eastern territories, czech etc were forcibly moved to central/west germany
    (supposed to be rare exception, carried out humanely)
    +no plans for gouverning style
  • Nuremberg Trials

    Nuremberg Trials
    +Thomas was only following orders
    +Promoting Denazification
    +24 political and military representatives of the NSDAP put on trial
    +Making previously unknown war-crimes and atrocities public
    +Majority of Germans percieved these trials as neseccary
  • Nuremberg Verdicts

    +twelve main war criminals sentenced to death
    +other accused faced life or long prison sentences
    +some occupation zones put physicians, lawyers, industrialists, foreign affair ahd wehrmacht members on trial
    +688 death sentances in western zones
  • Bizone

    *USA offers creation of a joined occupational zone
    +welcome offer for the british
    +soviets and french reject offer
  • Allies sign treaties with German allies

    +(Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Finland)
  • Truman Doctrine

    +part of "containment policy"
    +American SUpport for every country that feels threatened by the USSR
    +assumption: communism inherently threathens the free world
  • Economic Council for the Bizone

    +In Frankfurt am Main
    +First step towards becoming FRG, though at this time it was not there yet
  • Marshall Plan Speech (inofficial)

    +marshall plan not yet in effect, this is just a speech, that triggered talks withg interested countries and the soviet union
  • Soviet Union rejects ERP

    +Other eastern european countries follow their lead
  • London six-power COnference

    +western states (france, britain, benelux) and usa
    +importat decisions on western europe
    +soviet union not invited to negotiations
    => insult to soviets
  • USSR leaves Allied Control Council

    +Reaction to London COnference where the USSR wasnt invited to
  • European Recovery Programme passed

    +also known as: Marshall Plan
    +part of "containment policy"
    +law promises money and goods to aid recovery
    +country must cooperate with other benefitiaries
    +country must enter diplomatic talks with the USA
    +division east/West because benefitiaries enter western economic and currency system
  • DM replaces Reichsmark

    +in western zones
    +every german gets 40 dm and four weeks later another 20
  • West-Berlin Blockade and Ostmark

    West-Berlin Blockade and Ostmark
    +Reaction to introduction of the DM
    +Introduce Ostmark
    +Blocked access to West Berlin for goods and supplies
    +USA responds with Berlin Airlift
    +first (scrapped) idea: military push to west berlin
    +most radical soviet reaction yet
    +THis defeats any plans of united german gouvernance
    +in summer 1948 there is a counter blockade on eastern territories
  • Period: to

    Berlin Blockade

  • Basic Law commissioned

    +London Documents outlining a future West-German constitution
    +by France, GB and USA
    +constitution should be written by the Parliamentary Council and required approval of the Allies
    +no political party had a majority
    +SPD wanted a more provisional gouvernment untile reunification with east germany
    +CDU wanted the Basic law as a complete model for future united germany
    +Strong Länder or strong NAtional Gouvernment?
    +Planned economy or market economy?
    +Fr+USA critisize centralized draft
  • Trizone

    +French join Bizone

    +reponse to Marshall Plan
    +US policy portrayed as imperialist and agressive
    +american policy seen as a threat
  • Allies agree to Basic Law

    +they eventually agree
  • Parliamentary Council vote approves Basic Law

    ++accepted: 53 to 12
    +denied by 6 CDU, 2 KPD, 2 CENTRE and 2 DP members
  • All Blockades lifted

    +after annoying negotiations
  • Landtage ratify Basic Law

    +All Landtage agree
    +except bavaria
    +they think there is not enough independence for the länder
    +they accept the law as legally binding
  • Basic Law enacted (FRG birth)

    +FRG created
  • SED initiates provisional Gouvernment

    +calls for consultation with other parties and mass organizations
  • GDR created

    GDR created
    +wow that was fast
    +German Peoples COuncil enats an already accepted constitution, declares Otto Grotewohl (SED) the first ministerpresident and thereby creates the GDR
  • Konrad Adenauer declaration

    +says FRG is the "only legitimate gouvernmental organization of the german people" because the organization of the soviet zone had been established with only "a minority of loyal Germans"
  • Petersberg Agreement

    +FRG might join OECD (Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development)
    +FRG gets rights to its own economic legislation, within established restrictions
    +Adenauer thinks his policies are a success