political time line: Civics

  • Whigs

    ~ party ran a "Log Cabin and Hard Cider" campaign: presentes their presidential canidate
    ~ believed in a "loose construction" of the constitution
    ~included supporting big gov. with national bank
    ~included the congressional regulation of the expansion . of slavery
  • Liberty Party

    ~ political outgrowth of the growing anti-slavery movement
    ~ radicals followed William Lloyd Garrison
    ~ William Lloyd Garrison: demanded the immediate ending of slavery, denounced the U.S. Constitution, and allowed female activists into the movement
  • Democrats

    ~ split by the Mexican War annexation
    ~ southern and western Democrats allied
    ~ allied for a moderate platform to extend slavery
    -- not going far enough for many slaveholding Southerns, . . who desired a firmer assurance of slavery's expansion
  • Whigs

    ~ dedicated to the enforcement of the provisions of the compromise of 1850
    -- included admission of California as a free state and a . . . strister fugitive slave law
    ~ condemned agitation of the slavery issue
    ~ saw the compromise of 1850
  • Republicans

    ~ grew out of resistance to the Kansas-Nebraska Act: 1854
    ~ included anti-slavery Whigs
    ~ included free soldirs
    ~ included reformers
  • American Party

    ~ caused many nativists to fear foreign invasion
    ~ organized secret order knon as the "Known-Notihngs" or the "Order of the Star Spangled Banner"
    ~ politicized themselves in 1856 as the american party
  • Republicans

    ~ absorbed anti-slavery Whigs
    ~ absorbed Know-Nothings
    ~ endorsed a protective tariff, the Homestead act
    ~ endorsed a protective tariff, internal improvements
  • Democrats

    ~ split along "war" and "peace" factions
    ~ united George McClellan in the 1864 election
    ~ appeased those who desired to defeat the Confederacy
    ~ appeased those who favored negotiation
    ~ appeased those who favored compromise