Policy towards Vietnam

  • President Nixon

    This is the date the 37th president of the United States was born.
  • withdrawl of troops

    The withdrawl of the troops from Vietnam looked as a good idea but then realize that South Vietnam were going to be very vourneble on this war against communist.
  • Beginning of presidency

    Richard Nixon became the 37th president
  • Vietnamization

    was a policy of the Richard Nixon administration during the Vietnam War to end the U.S.' involvement in the war and "expand, equip, and train South Vietnam's forces and assign to them an ever-increasing combat role, at the same time steadily reducing the number of U.S. combat troops".[
  • Compulsory draft implemented

    President Nixon institutes an annual draft lottery and begins the "19-year-old draft" - if a young man is not drafted by 19, he is exempt from future military service except in the event of war or national emergency. Allows deferrals for hardship cases, certain occupations, COs, clergymen, and high school and college students.
  • Mylia Massacre

    This massacare was in when a platoon of the U.S army went to this village and started to burn the village. They also killed many people who lived in the village. This event made a bad image on the U.S and the U.S army, They looked as bad people and treated to in bad way when they came back home
  • Silent majority speech

    The silent majority was a group of Americans that were in favor with Nixon decisions and ideas,but he wanted to get the decisions of the majority of the country to make the best decisions.
  • 26th amendment

    This admedment is when they allowed citizens from 18 and over can vote on laws. The vietnam war also influced a lot on this law because congress man were saying that if young were willing to die for their country at that young age they yould have the privillage to vote on descions of their country.
  • Christmas bombing

    The president Nixon order this attack on North Vietnam to make a big impact on the war and to make a statement on the war. He also made this so that both of the sides of Vietnam realize that they have to amke peace between both of them.
  • End of his presidency

    This was the last year he served as a president.