

By Nia03
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    Where did pneumonia come from?

    Where did pneumonia come from?
    Pneumonia comes from a modern Greek term reference to " inflammation of the lungs "
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    The first man to discover pneumonia was a man named Hippocrates . He was also known as the father of medicine.
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    Symptoms of Pneumonia

    Symptoms of Pneumonia
    Hippocrates described the symptoms of pneumonia as acute fever, sticking pain in the side,short rapid breaths, serrated pulse and cough.
  • Who can get pneumonia ?

    Who can get pneumonia ?
    People who smoke , abuse alcohol, are younger than one and older than 35 usually gets pneumonia.
  • Treatment for pneumonia

    Treatment for pneumonia
    Anti-biotics are used to treat pneumonia . Pneumonia that cannot be treated will make you be hospitalized for 1 to 3 days.
  • How pneumonia is caused

    How pneumonia is caused
    Pneumonia is caused by bacteria, virus, parasites and fungus . The main part of what the infection affects is the lungs.