
By 17274
  • Oldest Phone Ever

    Oldest Phone Ever
    This website will tell you that: The paper points out that previous technologies are often declared the "end of innovation" as well, such as the Motorola MicroTAC flip phone which Fortune described in 1989.
  • Second Oldest Phone

    Second Oldest Phone
    this website will tell you lots of things about the second oldest phone this saids that:" There are thousands of models of cell phones that have hit the streets between 1983 and now."
  • Third Oldest Phone

    Third Oldest Phone This website tells you: "Mobile devices gradually starting to appear in the hands of average consumers for the first time."
  • Fourth Oldest Phone

    Fourth Oldest Phone
    This website will tell you about this phone and hows it technology and how much it was and if it still is ok to buy: "You could buy a decent cell phone with 2G technology for approximately $200 along with an airtime service. The cell phone industry was beginning to take off."
  • Fifth Oldest Phone .

    Fifth Oldest Phone .
    This website with tell you what this person said about cell phones and this website will tell you about the phones and how old are they: "We knew that someday everybody would have a (cell) phone, but it was hard to imagine that that would happen in my lifetime,"
  • Sixth Oldest Phone

    Sixth Oldest Phone
    This website will tell you all about this phone and who made:"Dave Mitchell, 49, bought the 90s classic in 2000 and has never looked at getting a replacement for the indestructible phone he says is made out ‘kryptonite’."
  • Seventh Oldest Phone

    Seventh Oldest Phone
    This website said: "Having this phone meant more to you than anything in the world ... well at least in the seventh grade. If you didn't have one, you were definitely envious of your friends that did."
  • Eighth Phone Made

    Eighth Phone Made
    This website said:"Steve Jobs returned to the WWDC keynote stage on June 7, 2010. He'd introduced the iPad earlier in the year, and kicked things off with an update on how it, and the App Store had been doing. Then he turned his attention to iPhone, and after recapping Apple had done to date, he began on what would come next. It had over 100 new features. It has an all-new design, an all-new camera, and an all new screen resolution. It was hot. It was the iPhone 4."
  • The Ninth Phone is Made

    The Ninth Phone is Made
    This website said: "On September 12, 2012 Phil Schiller announced the biggest thing to happen to the iPhone since the original iPhone. Big as in in thinner and lighter. Big as in a new, taller 4-inch screen."
  • The Tenth Phone is Made

    The Tenth Phone is Made
    This website said: "The 4.7-inch iPhone 6 launched on September 19th, 2014 alongside the iPhone 6 Plus, which features a larger 5.5" display. Apple plans on making both models available in over 100 countries by the end of 2014."