Phone Timeline

By saddie
  • The first phone call

    The first phone call
    The first telephone was made by Alexander Graham Bell and his assistant Thomas Watson. The first word said were '' Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you.
  • Going long distance

    Going long distance
    The worlds first long distance was mad with the help of microwave technology and was one of the best and most helpful parts for cell phones. And was made by Alexander Graham Bell
  • coin opperated

    coin opperated
    if you though the first phone was cool think about coin operated. The first one was installed in Hartford, Connecticut
  • SCR-300

    Was a radio retriever that was made for use in the us military. It had a weight between 32 and 38 pounds that could reach over a range of 3 miles
  • at&t

    the mobile telephone service that no longer made smartphones hard to use. it was not able to be used by the whole world when it was first made. only about 100 towns were able to
  • Here comes cables

    Here comes cables
    they made cables to help with cell phones and to get better reception. which in the long run made people very happy.
  • the protection you need

    the protection you need
    Screen protectors, were one smart idea if i don't say. they have different types for different needs, like heavy duty, or lighter protection. Fun fact they were first created for television.
  • Im lost oh wait the GPS

    Im lost oh wait the GPS
    GPS, was a very big deal for people not even to show oh im here and my friends there, it helps you get from place to place easier and faster.
  • here comes the iPhone

    here comes the iPhone
    from twirling to sliding their is no more now with the new iphone. it now has a touch screen and has plenty of room for you're photos
  • no more butter fingers

    no more butter fingers
    If you are someone who constantly drops there phone this Invention is for you. its called the popsocket the easier family friendly object that you stick to the back of youre phone.
  • Samsung who

    Samsung who
    Samsung came out with this hot new phone, with a longer-lasting battery and longer-lasting phone promises. it was one of Samsungs best selling phones.
  • the X

    the X
    One of apples biggest and most helpful invention was the iPhone X. Apple created the iPhone X in 2017 and by far they made the most amount of money. than any of the other Phones . Prices started at $1000 + Tax.
  • what the future holds

    what the future holds
    if you thought iPhone was done you are very wrong. they are coming out with there next new thing iPhone 11, with instead of one camera there is three,
  • lets see whats next

    lets see whats next
    nobody really knows what apple or any phone company has in store but whatever it is its going to be big.
  • Samsung with the bang

    Samsung with the bang
    If you thought the next generation of phones was going to be boring you were wrong. Samsung is rumored to be having a foldable phone coming out in future.